Conference "AgroInnovations 2024"

August 9, 2024


Tetyana Voznyuk, a lecturer at the Department of English for Technical and Agrobiological Specialties, attended the “AgroInnovations 2024” conference, which took place on August 6, 2024, at the Parkovy Convention and Exhibition Center in Kyiv.

“AgroInnovations 2024” is the largest event in the agricultural sector, held under the patronage of the European Business Association and the Seed Association of Ukraine. The conference gathered leading innovators, scientists, representatives of innovative companies, and experts in agricultural business from across Ukraine.

The event hosted more than 200 participants and featured presentations by influential speakers, including government officials, representatives of agricultural associations, and business leaders. Notable speakers included Olena Kramarenko (Ministry of Environment), Taras Vysotskyi (Ministry of Agrarian Policy), Vasyl Antonenko (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine), Bohdan Shpak (Syngenta), Vitalii Ilchenko (Ukravit), Vadym Chaikovskyi (State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection), Olha Trofimtseva (independent expert in agriculture), and many others. They discussed the implementation of innovations in the agricultural sector and the future of agribusiness.

Attending “AgroInnovations 2024” provided an excellent opportunity to gain insights into Ukrainian developers and innovators, the automation of production in the agricultural sector, artificial intelligence, and much more. The networking sessions allowed Tetyana Voznyuk to engage with leading experts, scientists, and representatives of agricultural associations.


Tetyana Voznyuk
Assistant Lecturer
Department of English for Technical and Agrobiological Specialties



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