Scientists of the Department of Livestock and Water Bioresources attended the 9th Regional Exhibition of Polish Red Cattle

June 23, 2015

     In early June, the village of Shchyzhyts (Poland) hosted the 9th Regional Exhibition of Polish Red Cattle, dedicated to 121th anniversary of the Association of Polish Red Cattle Breeding.

     The exhibition presented more than a hundred cattle stock from more than 50 farms. The event was visited by the Ukrainian delegation consisting of Acting Head of the Chair of Genetics, Animal Breeding and Biotechnology of our University – A.A. Heti and Deputy Director of the M.V. Zubets Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics of NAAS – Y.P. Polupan.

     Within the exhibition the International conference on conservation of red cattle breeds, which was attended by experts from Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Ukraine, was held. It is noted that in each country the red strains are represented in quite large populations of animals, but their total number in general is declining, giving way to a high-performance dairy breeds.
By the results of the conference, the participants agreed upon coordinating the activities on development and implementation of the programs on farm animals biodiversity conservation.

A. Hetya,
Acting Head of the Chair of Animal Genetics,
Breeding and Biotechnology


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