Visiting NULES – the Board of Rectors of Ukrainian and Turkmenistan Universities
On June 1, within the framework of the 2nd meeting of the board of rectors of higher educational institutions of Ukraine and Turkmenistan, the University was visited by delegation of leaders of the Turkmen State University named after Makhtumkuli – Hanmuradov Hurtniyaz Nurievych, International University of Oil and Gas – Ashyrbaev Meret Khezretkulyevych, State Medical University of Turkmenistan – Orazalieva Aydzhemal Menhlievna, the Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communication – Kuliev Nurnepes Annaevych, the Turkmen S.A. Niyazov Agricultural University – Muradov Dovletgeldy, Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management – Ataev Sulhun. They were accompanied by Vice Rector for Educational activity – Oleksandr Hryshuk, Vice President for Social and Economic Development – Oleksandr Bulakh and head of training and methodological management – Oleksandr Tokin of the National Transport University.
NULES was represented by Vice Rector on scientific and pedagogical work and university development – Andriy Kudin, scientific secretary – Oksana Baranovska, head of educational department – Oksana Zazymko, deputy director of the ESC of international affairs – Oleksandr Ryazanov, Deans of departments of livestock and aquatic biological resources – Vadym Kondratiuk, and the Economic one – Anatoliy Dibrova.

Our University address was not picked by chance by foreigners as they were interested in the state of agricultural education and science. To imagine the scale of the University, Oksana Zazymko told how the University looks today. It was about the geography of its separate units, structure, departments, institutes, chairs, laboratories, etc. She noted that higher school is a multilevel system of training, and specialties and areas of training in which students acquire profession, cover the entire service area of agriculture. For future professionals to be mobile, each department or TSI created English-speaking groups, with most subjects taught in English. University is especially proud of training Masters in 51 specialties, as well as research and production specializations, international Masters programs with receiving a double degree sertificate, – Oksana Zazymko continued. Practical training is also at a high level because the University has its own practice bases – scientific experimental farms. But we are not limited to it, the speaker said. We cooperate with many enterprises abroad. As NULES has the status of a research University, then, respectively, it has a powerful scientific and teaching staff. Scientific brainpower and decent generation we are also training through postgraduate and doctoral studies.
Guests were able to see during their tour round the University that NULES is a flagship of agricultural education. Initially, the delegation visited the department of veterinary medicine, including anatomy museum. Vasyliy Danilov and Mykola Stehney told about how the museum was created and what kind of exhibits are displayed here.

The department of livestock and aquatic bioresources became the next place of destination. The delegation got acquainted with the activities of training-research-production laboratory of technology of beekeeping production, including a tour in lecture hall with modern equipment, class-room-museum. The beehives and tools were surveyed with genuine interest – everything that is necessary for producing beekeeping products. And somebody was even trying to twist a honey extractor. Incidentally, according to the head of department – Oleksiy Losev, here there is a collection of honey from different regions of the world.

Then they visited a training-scientific-production laboratory of horse breeding. Although for the homeland of foreign visitors, breeding horses is a national heritage, we also had some aces in our sleeves for Turkmen rectors. It was demonstrated during dressage tests. Among them there are Orlov Trotter, thoroughbred English stallion, thoroughbred Arab representatives, Ukrainian horse breeds, Shetland pony. According to the head of the laboratory Anna Skabard, laboratory-based sport training is also held. Many victories in equestrian sport were brought by the famous fast horse – Darling. Therefore its death is a great loss for all domestic equestrian sport. Incidentally a prestigious tournament is named after the horse until now.

In conclusion, the guests noted that the University has created all conditions for highly qualified education. They were impressed by a huge and advanced experimental base. And the best research developments not only glorify our University, but once again confirm its high level. Turkmen rectors left their impressions in the guestbook.

Olha Nakonechna