Educational practice in the discipline "Agrochemistry" - rich, interesting and useful

July 12, 2024

In accordance with the order, a full-time training practice in agrochemistry was conducted with 2nd and 3rd year students of the speciality 203 "Horticulture, Horticulture and Viticulture", which took place in the training laboratory "Fruit and Vegetable Garden". The aim of the practice was to develop students' professional outlook, consolidate their theoretical knowledge and form professional competences.


Students had the opportunity to conduct an agrochemical assessment of the soil for growing fruit, vegetables and grapes under the guidance of teachers Larysa Semenko and Ihor Bordiuzh, establishing the level of nutrient supply to plants. Identify signs of nutrient deficiency in vegetable, fruit, medicinal and ornamental crops and confirm their assumptions with rapid diagnostics.



   As a result of the diagnostics, the nutrient supply of crops and the need for fertilisation in the Fruit and Vegetable Garden training laboratory were determined. Then, in the training laboratories of the Dushechkin Department of Agrochemistry and Quality of Plant Production, students together with their teachers made adjustments to the fertilisation system to optimise mineral nutrition and obtain high yields. Despite the heat, the practice was intense, informative and held in a friendly atmosphere. Based on its results, students prepared reports and successfully defended them.

Larysa Semenko, Associate Professor of the Dushechkin Department of Agrochemistry and Product Quality of Plant Science


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