International project QuantiFOR facilitates professional growth of young researchers

September 27, 2024

  During September 23-25, 2024, the Education and Research Institute of Forestry and Landscape-Park Management held a workshop “Data Analysis in R” within the framework of the international project “QuantiFOR: Developing capacity in quantitative methods and research expertise for early-career forest researchers in Ukraine”. The grant agreement between NUBIP of Ukraine and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) is being implemented with the financial support of the Swedish Institute (SI) for 2024-2025.

  The workshop brought together students, postgraduates and young researchers from different parts of Ukraine to gain new knowledge and skills and further effective scientific work. Welcome remarks were made by the project leader from Ukraine, Associate Professor of the Department of Forest Mensuration and Forest Management Oleksandr Lesnik, Director of the Institute of Forestry and Landscape-Park Management Professor Roman Vasylyshyn, and project mentor, Professor of the Department of Forest Mensuration and Forest Management Viktor Myroniuk.


  The three-day intensive study of the basics of coding and data analysis using the R-environment under the teaching of Viktor Myroniuk, an advanced scientist, covered the use of professional software based on real forestry data. This makes the event different from other similar training courses, as it demonstrated the wide possibilities of the R programming language in the scientific work of forestry researchers.



  At the end of the workshop, the project manager from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Maksym Matsala, congratulated the participants on the successful training completion and informed about further activities within the QuantiFOR project. 

  At the end of the workshop, participants were awarded certificates and photos of group.




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Deputy Directors for International Activity at Faculties
Yevhenii Khan


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