Department of Agricultural Management is setting cooperation going with the University of Colorado (USA)

May 25, 2015

     Improving the quality of higher education and innovative development of research activities in this direction depends on the efficiency of establishing international relations through the exchange of experience in scientific and educational platform. Research and teaching staff of the Department of Agricultural Management annually succeed in going through the competitive selection for participation in the Program of exchanging the experience of teaching staff (Faculty Exchange Program), which operates in Ukraine since 1997 supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the United States (USDA FAS).
     Within the program our instructors and young scientists have gone through the in-depth training at the University of Colorado, Ohio and Pennsylvania, which significantly improved the quality of the educational process at the Department, allowed developing the new discipline courses of economic area ("Brand Management", "Management of enterprises’ competitiveness", "Marketing planning", etc.).

     On May 16-20 the Department of Agricultural Management supported by the TSC of international activities hosted in the walls of NULES the FEP coordinator John Patrick Oliynyk, Professor of the Colorado University Business College. Professor Oliynyk specializes in International Management and is an active expert of the Accreditation Committee of the US Department of Education.
     During the meeting the issues of expanding the cooperation between universities in distance learning and the exchange of scientific and pedagogical experience were discussed with the director of the TSC of international activities Tkachuk V.A. and the Dean of the Department of Agricultural Management Ostapchuk A.D.

     Professor Oliyinyk also made a friendly visit to the chair of marketing and international trade, examined the latest scientific publications of the team. During the conversation with the head of chair Professor Larina Y.S. the prospects of collaboration as to joint preparing the scientific manuals and textbooks on marketing were discussed.
     On May, 18 Professor John Oliynyk held an open lecture on "The structure of the US higher education" which was attended by about 100 instructors and students. The theme of the lecture caused a lively debate and manifested the interest of students for the new methods of teaching economic disciplines.

     Those wishing to receive a copy of the Power Point Presentation of the lecture, please contact Victoria Arestenko ([email protected]).

Victoria Arestenko,
head of FAM international programs
Tuzhyk Kateryna, graduate student of
the Professor J.S. Zavadskyi chair of management


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