Establishing Cooperation with Greece

May 22, 2015

     On May 22, on the initiative of the Dean of Humanitarian and Pedagogical Department Professor Vasyl Shynkaruk the delegation of scientists, public figures and producers of Greece made a friendly visit to the University and Department. The delegation consisted of: the head of the Serbo-Greek-Ukrainian society of friendship and cooperation "Holy Three Hierarchs - Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius" archpriest Sotiris Koskoris, Professor of Philology of the Athens University, producer Konstantinos Klahos, theologian Panagiotis Koskoris and the society members Elijah Pahonis, Caterina, Costas, Maria. Guests were accompanied by Professor of the chair of Variety performance of the National Academy of Culture and Arts management personnel Tereshchenko Liliia-Kaidan. By the way, all of them are actively involved in charitable and cultural activities and the purpose of their visit to Ukraine – to bring people together through the prism of culture and faith.

     On behalf of the University rector Stanislav Nikolaenko the delegation was congratulated pro-rector on scientific and pedagogical work and development of the University Andrij Kudin. He noted that the spiritual connection between the two countries is much stronger and deeper than it seems at first glance, because we are bound together through culture, religion and spirituality. Then rector told about the University, specialties we are training our students.

     In their turn, the delegation noted that today the University performs an extremely important mission – nature preservation. The guests thanked all instructors who pass their knowledge about nature.

     The Greek side was particularly interested in production of organic food. And without any doubt we can find here common ground. After all, our scientists have many developments that will cause interest with our partners.
     By the meeting results the parties agreed to hold the next conference "Dialogue of Cultures: Ukraine-Greece" in September this year on the basis of our University. Within this event it is planned to organize an exhibition of products, to exchange experiences of agricultural production.

     We are confident that today's friendly meeting will grow in a close cooperation for decades.

Olha Nakonechna

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