Members of the rectorate visited the Department of Global Economics and the educational and scientific laboratory "AGMEMOD"

April 2, 2024
Educational and scientific laboratory "AGMEMOD"

       On April 2, 2024, members of the rectorate visited the educational and scientific laboratory "AGMEMOD," where they were presented with the dynamic market equilibrium model "AGMEMOD" and educational literature from the Department of Global Economics.

       The head of the department, Professor Natalia Vdovenko, Ph.D. in Economics, showcased to the guests the latest scientific achievements of the teaching staff at the Department of Global Economics, demonstrated the entire workflow, and presented updated documentation.

         The Department of Global Economics not only reaffirms its leadership positions but also draws inspiration from new achievements to work even more actively and effectively in the field of scientific research. Our mission is not just to remain leaders, but to constantly expand the horizons of knowledge and implement them in practice. We are always grateful for the opportunity to showcase our achievements and set new standards in the world of science and research.

Head of the Educational and Scientific Laboratory "AGMEMOD"
Doctor of Philosophy Anastasiia Yatsun

To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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