The meeting of the clinical council of the faculty of veterinary medicine and the meeting of the organising committee for the preparation for EAEVE accreditation took place

April 21, 2024

   On 19 April 2024, a regular meeting of the Clinical Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was held together with an organisational meeting to prepare for the international accreditation of the faculty. The meeting was attended by members of the organising committee Serhii Derkach, Yurii Zhuk, Taras Savchuk, heads and representatives of working groups (academic staff, researchers, students, postgraduates and other employees of the faculty).


   The Chairman of the Organising Committee, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Doctor of Biology, Professor Mykola Tsvilikhovsky informed the participants about the accreditation process that the faculty is currently undergoing and the preparation for the pre-accreditation visit by EAEVE experts. The Organising Committee informed about the distribution of responsibilities between the members of all groups for writing the self-analysis report, collecting evidence, checking the text of the report and the compliance of the information with the actual state of implementation of the educational process in the speciality ‘Veterinary Medicine’. The liaison officer, Doctor of Veterinary Science, Professor Maryna Halat, provided information on the specifics of the biosafety SOP at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.


   According to the agenda of the meeting, the report of the Head of the Department of Epizootology, Microbiology and Virology, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor Volodymyr Melnyk on the update of the programme and diary for the practical training for the Veterinary Medicine study programme from the Department of Epizootology, Microbiology and Virology was considered.

   The meeting also discussed other issues related to the tasks of the Clinical Council.

Chairman of the Clinical Council, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor
Secretary of the Clinical Council, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor

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