The issue of agricultural policy in the field of view of visitors from Humboldt

March 17, 2015

     As previously reported, under the organizational and financial support of the German-Ukrainian agro-political dialog (Project Director - Dr. Volker Sasse) on March 16-17 the University hosted the Professor of the Humboldt University Dieter Kirshke.

     During the official meeting with the First University vice-chancellor, Academician - Ihor Ibatullin, Director of TSC of international activities, Vadym Tkachuk, Economic Department Dean, Anatoliy Dibrova, International affairs Rector-advisor, Agricultural Chemistry Professor, Victor Kalenskyi the importance and necessity of NULES of Ukraine and Humboldt University cooperation activization in scientific and educational spheres was underlined. It is caused by the need to use the capabilities of existing grant programs of the European Union, the DAAD German Academic Exchange Office, continuation of the previous practice of joint conferences, seminars, and the exchange of instructors, students and masters.

     During the visit, Professor Kirshke delivered lecture on "Agrarian Policy in a Changing World". He also held a seminar with postgraduates, doctorate students and academic staff of Economics Department and Agricultural Management Department. At the seminar our representatives proposed their visions and approaches in developing the policy of the agricultural sector of Ukraine.


     One of the main issues was the discussion concerning the release of the joint training manual on agricultural policy. This caused quite a lively discussion, especially on the structure and content of publication, and concerning the need in incorporating the best European practices and standards, and attracting the leading experts group on agricultural policy from both German and Ukrainian sides. The parties agreed that Professor Kirshke and Dr. Zasse shall form a writing team of Humboldt University representatives and other leading German and European universities, and the Ukrainian team of authors shall include: Academician Serhiy Kvasha, Professor Anatoliy Dibrova, associate professor Olexandr Zhemoida, Ukrainian Agribusiness Club President Alex Lissitsa and other leading scholars on the subject. This group shall also be joined by a graduate of our University – Olha Trofimtseva, who received her doctorate degree under tenure of Professor Kirshke.
     We once again express our gratitude to the Director of the German-Ukrainian agro-political dialogue, Dr. Volker Zasse, for the assistance and support in organizing the visit of Professor Kirshke and look forward to fruitful results soon.

V.Tkachuk, Director of TSC of international activities,
A.Dibrova, Dean of Economic Department

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