On October 25-26, 2023, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine hosted the International Autumn School "One Health - a Holistic Approach to Food Safety (Achievements, Opportunities, Risks)".
The event was carried out within the framework of the project supported by the Erasmus + Jean Monnet Module "Integration of EU Single Health Policy and Framework in Ukraine" (101048229 - EU4OH - ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH) in cooperation with the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (Germany, Berlin).
The conference was attended by representatives of 20 institutions and educational institutions of Ukraine, namely: WHO Office in Ukraine, National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine, Polissia National University, Research Institute of Laboratory Diagnostics and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise, Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Sumy National Agrarian University, VSP "Kozelets Veterinary College of BNAU", University of Minnesota, State Biotechnological University, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, State Enterprise DniproStandardMetrology, State Enterprise KyivStandardMet.
Also, colleagues from 5 foreign countries (7 participants) joined the online format, namely: Denmark - 1, the United States of America - 1, Switzerland - 1, Germany - 3, Switzerland - 1.
In total, the event was attended by over 170 people.
After the official opening of the International Autumn School, the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Academician Mykola Ivanovych Tsvilikhovsky was invited to deliver a welcoming speech. M.I. Tsvilikhovsky told the guests about our Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, its scientific potential and wished them success in holding this international event.
Volodymyr Otchenashko, Head of the Research Department of the NULES, also delivered a welcoming speech, emphasizing the relevance of the topic of a holistic approach to food safety, the importance of the One Health concept and congratulated all participants.

The first report was devoted to Professor A.K. Skorokhodko, presented by Professor of the Department Mykola Oleksandrovych Zakharenko. Anton Kalenikovich Skorokhodko is a recognized scientist in the field of animal hygiene. He was born in the family of a farmer-sewer. He studied at the Uman School of Agriculture and Horticulture, where he was expelled for revolutionary propaganda. After completing his master's degree at the Kyiv Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute in 1922, A.K. Skorokhodko was awarded a master's degree in veterinary sciences. In the same year, he began to organize the first Department of Zoohygiene in the country. He created and headed the department from 1922 to 1929. In 1930, the well-known textbook "Animal Hygiene" was published in Ukrainian, which has withstood four reprints and remained a textbook for several generations of students. In the 1950s, the textbook was published in several languages in Europe and Asia. In 1932-1937, A.K. Skorokhodko headed the Department of Zoo Hygiene at the Vologda Veterinary Institute. His name is also associated with the establishment of the Department of Zoohygiene of the Bila Tserkva Agricultural Institute, which he headed in 1946-1948. 10 PhD theses were prepared under his supervision. He was the author and co-author of a number of encyclopedias, reference books, scientific and journalistic articles. He will always be remembered as a great and talented scientist. In 2017, a monument to Professor A.K. Skorokhodko was erected on the Walk of Fame of NUBiP of Ukraine.

Professor Olha Mykolaivna Yakubchak made a presentation "From the Department of Meat Science, Refrigeration and Utilization of Animal Products to the Department of Veterinary Hygiene named after Professor A.K. Skorokhodko". She told about the history of the department and the science of food hygiene. Students remember their teachers, and many participants of the International Autumn School had kind, warm, sincere thoughts and words of gratitude.

Participants learned about theoretical and practical approaches to risk assessment by listening to reports from international representatives from the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (Germany), the Institute of Parasitology, University of Bern (Switzerland), Statens Serum Institute (Denmark), Center for Animal Health and Food Safety. College of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Minnesota (USA), International Institute for Animal Health/One Health, Friedrich Leffler Institute (Germany). The issues of foodborne infections in the context of the One Health concept, the use of systematic reviews for evidence-based risk assessment, web-based tools for stochastic quantitative risk assessment, an algorithm for a risk-based approach to studying the spread of infectious diseases, and a SWOT analysis of One Health challenges were discussed. The moderator conducted a workshop on developing models for web-based tool у Shiny-Rrisk.

Domestic scientists presented their reports on the assessment of the safety of livestock waste by the residual content of therapeutic and prophylactic agents, the assessment of the effect of dietary supplements on the body of experimental animals, the importance of hunting products in ensuring "One Health", the identification of sausage products by microstructural analysis, determining the effectiveness of feed mixtures based on biologically active substances for cows, the use of probiotics for broiler chickens, the assessment of sunflower oil for high The participants discussed the model of implementation of the "One Health" concept in Ukraine, the role of a veterinarian in meeting the needs of One Health, the impact of technological processes on strains of microorganisms, and the use of GIS technologies in addressing the issues of One Health.

The event was characterized by a warm, sociable and at the same time working atmosphere. The presentations and workshops aroused interest and a number of questions from the audience.
To summ up, the participants noted the modernity and relevance of this event important aspects of various areas of research and activities of European and international organizations carried out on the basis of One Health.
We believe in our Victory! Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine!
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!
Olga Yakubchak, Professor of the
of Veterinary Hygiene named after Prof. A.K. Skorokhodko
Maria HALABURDA, Associate Professor of the Department of
of Veterinary Hygiene named after Prof. A.K. Skorokhodko
Yuliia Hryb, Assistant Professor of the Department of Veterinary Hygiene named after prof.
of Veterinary Hygiene named after prof. A.K. Skorokhodko