Scientific and practical seminar "Development of pedagogical competence of postgraduates of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy of NULES of Ukraine"
On June 1, 2023, on the initiative of the dean of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy Inna Savytska, the staff of the department of management and educational technologies organized an online scientific and practical seminar "Development of pedagogical competence of postgraduates of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy of NULES of Ukraine".
Traditionally, the event was moderated by the head of the department of management and educational technologies of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, professor Serhiy Kubitskyi who noted that at the beginning of the third millennium, the global socio-economic, political, and socio-cultural processes that determine the development of humanity at the present stage of its life activity are deepening and accelerating.
Global social shifts are systematic, rapid, and irreversible. They are caused by scientific and technological progress, rapid informatization and computerization, and the democratization of public life in most countries of the world. The most responsible role in these conditions is that of education. It is education that has the direct and greatest impact on the individual and society.
The seminar was opened by the deputy dean of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy of NULES of Ukraine, professor Svitlana Kharchenko who welcomed graduate students, revealed a number of organizational issues and focused their attention on the structure of professionally significant qualities of a teacher of a modern higher education institution, and also provided practical advice on creating a set of conditions necessary for the development of pedagogical competence. In particular, the speaker stressed that with the beginning of a large-scale war unleashed by the russian federation on the territory of Ukraine, there was a need to make quick, non-standard, innovative decisions. The functioning of the education system under martial law is characterized by an intensive search for new approaches to teaching, innovative forms of organizing the educational process, effective pedagogical and information technologies. That is why the support of the active introduction of innovations in the educational sector during the war and the formation of pedagogical competence of the teacher as a complex multi-level stable structure, which is formed as a result of the integration of experience, theoretical knowledge, practical skills and professionally significant personal qualities have become one of the key problems.
Head of the department of postgraduate studies, associate professor Vitaliy Vakulenkoaddressed the postgraduates with a welcoming speech. In the course of the report he revealed the changes approved this year regarding the procedure for training graduate students in the regulatory documents of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine and the regulations of the NULES of Ukraine, and provided practical advice on the quality organization of the educational and scientific process.
Joining the seminar, associate professor of the department of management and educational technologiesof the faculty of humanities and pedagogy Vasyl Bazelyuk, revealed the essence, content and structure of the methodological culture of the graduate student as a complex multi-level structure, including philosophical, general scientific, special subject knowledge, special skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of scientific research; familiarized with the logic and structure of the dissertation research and drew the attention of graduate students to typical errors in methodological approaches, content, construction and methods of presenting the results of the dissertation research.
The scientific and practical seminar was continued by Professor of the department of management and educational technologies, professor Zoya Ryabova, who revealed to graduate students the essential characteristics of the qualimetric approach in scientific (dissertation) research, familiarized them with the technology of factor-criterion modeling and the stages of its use in scientific (dissertation) research and explained the process of developing qualimetric models and ways to use them when checking the effectiveness of dissertation research products.
Acting head of the department of psychology of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, associate professor Iryna Martyniuk introduced postgraduates to the essence of the subject-subject approach in the educational process, justified the influence of the role of the subject of the educational process on the student's personality and the formation of his readiness to learn throughout life, and also during the training provided graduate students with the opportunity to stay in the role of the subject of the educational process and implement reflection.
In her report, the senior lecturer of the department of pedagogy of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy Nadiia Dira revealed to graduate students the essence of assertive behavior and its significance for building educational relationships, revealed the role of teacher behavior on participants in the educational process and the quality of knowledge gained, provided graduate students with practical methods and cases on self-education of assertiveness.
At the end of the scientific and practical seminar, during the discussion, its participants came to the conclusion that education is a social institution through which each person passes, while acquiring personality traits, a specialist and a citizen. Thanks to the activity of the teacher, the state policy is implemented in creating the intellectual and spiritual potential of the nation, developing national science, technology and culture, preserving and multiplying the cultural heritage and the emerging person of the future. All of this raises problems of teacher training, professional development, and the formation of professional competence.
We wish our graduate students success, inspiration and a peaceful sky for further study and successful completion of postgraduate studies, as well as the defense of their dissertation research.
Lyudmyla Bilan,
associate professor of the department of management and educational technologies