Meeting of the DNA Leader Club: "Leader Qualities: What Is Needed For Success." A meeting with Oleksandr Pronkin, Director of information technologies of "Infopulse LLC"
Meeting of the DNA Leader Club: "Leader Qualities: What Is Needed For Success." A meeting with Oleksandr Pronkin, Director of information technologies of "Infopulse LLC"
September 20, 2023
On September 15, 2023, a meeting of the student scientific club "DNA Leader" of the Department of Management named after Prof. J. S. Zavadskyi.
During the first part of the meeting, the Head of the club, Krystyna Dramaretska, and the leader of the club, Viktoria Sidenko, congratulated the applicants of higher education on the beginning of the new academic year, wished them success in their studies and interesting cooperation. New members were added to the student scientific club "DNA Leader", who were welcomed by experienced members of the club and introduced to the club's activities. Krystyna Dramaretska presented the project of the work plan of the club for 2023/2024.

The Head and members of the student science club "DNA Leader" thanked Victoria Sidenko, who presented the achievements of the group members in a dignified manner to the members of the competition committee of the XII "Festival of Student Science - 2023", dedicated to the 125-th anniversary of the National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine and the Day of Science in Ukraine. According to the resultsof the competition student scientific club won the 1-st place among more than 100 student scientific clubs that function at the NULES of Ukraine.

During the second part of the meeting, with the aim of acquainting students with higher education with the qualities of a leader necessary for their success, the Associate Professor of the Department of Management named after Prof. J. S. Zavadskyi, Alina Troyan organized an online meeting with Oleksandr Pronkin, Director of information technology at Infopulse LLC, for applicants of higher education, in particular, members of the student scientific club "DNA Leader".

During the meeting, Oleksandr Pronkin told the students about his work experience and career development. The lecturer revealed the general meaning of the concept of leadership, reminded the difference between management and leadership, paid special attention to leadership styles and gave applicants of higher education specific examples of their manifestation in business.

The listeners were very interested in the presented comparison of information on the priority of virtues for military and civilian leaders, which is especially relevant today.

The applicants of higher education had a positive impression of the speaker's high professionalism, competence, and management experience. Those present actively discussed the report, asked questions, and expressed their opinions.

Thus, the student scientific club "DNA Leader" is an important component of the extracurricular educational work of applicants of higher education, which allows them to develop successfully communication skills, learn professional terminology, and as well as leadership potential. The meeting left a good impression on all participants. Those present expressed their sincere gratitude to Oleksandr Pronkin for an interesting, informative report and meaningful answers to important questi
ons for them.
Viktoriia Holik,
assistant of the Department of Management
named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi
Translated Natalia Drahnieva