Attestation of graduate students and issues of organizing the work of the department in the new 2023/2024 academic year on the agenda of meeting of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi

September 1, 2023

 On August 29, 2023, a meeting of the Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi was held. The event was held in a mixed (offline ang online) format. The issue of hearing and approving the reports of the applicants of third (educational and scientific) degree of high education in the specialty 073 "Management" of all years of study on the implementation of their individual plans, as well as the organizing the work of the department in the new 2023/2024 academic year was put on the agenda.


The applicants reported on the completion of the educational and scientific components of their individual plan, on published research results, and also shared plans for the next stages of the implementation of dissertation research. The attestation was attended by academic supervisors of the applicants, who gave a positive description of their scientific work and the timely implementation of the individual plan of educational and scientific program of preparation of the applicants of higher education for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Graduate students of the department demonstrated a high scientific interest in the process of scientific research and the implementation of dissertation research within the limits of their subjects.
According to the presented results of the graduate students work, was made a decision to recommend the attestation commission of the Faculty of Agricultural Management to attest the applicants of the third (educational and scientific) degree of higher education.
At the meeting, the department's work plan for the 2023/2024 academic year was approved, responsibilities were distributed among scientific and pedagogical staff of the department, and a number of other issues were discussed.
Mariana Dobrivska,
Associate Professor of the Department of Management
named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi
Translated Oksana Havrysh
To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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