Scopus Autumn/Winter 2023 webinar schedule

September 13, 2023
м. Київ НУБіП України



Autumn/Winter 2023 webinar schedule


We’re pleased to announce our schedule of webinars, live discussions and Q&A sessions, each developed to share insights with researchers, research managers and librarians towards advancing their work. Our webinars usually run for an hour, and the recordings are available at the convenience of your schedule – simply register to get the recording.

A list of upcoming live sessions and past webinar recordings is available on the Elsevier Training Hub for Ukraine, but here is a preview of upcoming webinars conducted in English.

Special events

We have exciting special events to offer you more support. Mark your calendars!

New Scopus and SciVal certification programs will be available in November.
In November and December, we’re excited to offer Author workshop camps, developed with our colleagues in Publishing, look for details shortly.
Our Research Intelligence 2023 Winter Camp kicks off in December, delivering more insights and exercises to help you to get more intel from citation data.

Professional Development Webinars

19 September

3 October

17 October

31 October

14 November

28 November

12 December

Ready to register? Need more details? Interested in viewing recorded webinars:

Visit your regional page.

We hope that these sessions will be informative and engaging and offer you guidance and insights into how Elsevier solutions can meet your most critical challenges and needs.

We look forward to your participation in the Autumn/Winter webinars!


Ivan Rogovskii

Регіональні навчальні заклади (синій)Захисти дисертаційНабір на навчання (синій)_2015

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