Conducting career orientation work by members of the student scientific DNA Leader club

March 20, 2023
Choosing a profession is an important step in every person's life. First of all, it is a responsibility, which consists in choosing one's own path and following it through life with pleasure, because work takes up most of a person's life.
In order to help future entrants decide on a choice that will allow them to realize their potential and become qualified specialists, on March 15, 2023, applicant of higher education Viktoriia Sovailo conducted career orientation work among pupils of the Zoriv comprehensive school of grades I-III of the Zoriv village council of the Zolotonsky district of the Cherkasy region.
Victoriia shared her own experience of studying at the Faculty of Agrarian Management, specialty 073 "Management" and informed the students about the advantages of organizing the educational process in the university as a whole, as well as in the conditions of martial law. She noted that it is very important for the participants of the educational process to provide all disciplines with electronic training courses, where students can receive and perform tasks, familiarize themselves with lectures, additional sources of information, view and listen to video and audio materials from the disciplines.
Victoriia presented information about the activities of the student scientific DNA Leader club of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi, of which she is a member. The students learned that the activity of the club is aimed at developing the creative abilities of the applicants of higher education with the aim of acquiring professional and personal competencies, as well as the experience of acquiring knowledge and skills through conducting research. Viktoriia said that the classes of the student scientific club are conducted by the teachers of the department and invited guests – representatives of various fields of business. Applicants of higher education demonstrate their knowledge, scientific results, ability to organize and present work using state-of-the-art technology at meetings of the student scientific circle in the form of poster presentations, where they acquire skills that develop leadership abilities. Viktoriia noted that according to the results of the 10th "Festival of Student Science – 2021" and 11th "Festival of Student Science – 2022", the DNA Leader club won the victory among more than 100 student scientific clubs that function in NULES of Ukraine.
The students were interested in the fact that during their studies they will have the opportunity to receive double diplomas, to communicate with managers of leading Ukrainian and foreign enterprises, institutions, and organizations. Their attention was also drawn to training methods, various cases and business games, which will allow them to acquire management skills during training and demonstrate them during the performance of various situational tasks.
Victoria paid special attention to the story of an interesting student life after couples, the opportunity to participate in various cultural and mass events, conferences, round tables, as well as the conditions of living in a hostel. She shared her own experience of admission to specialty 073 "Management" and compared the admission conditions that existed three years ago, when she was choosing her future profession, with the admission conditions that exist today.
At the end of the meeting, Victoriia invited the students to attend the Open doors’ day of the University, which will be held on April 6, 2023, in order to directly familiarize them with the educational and material base and conduct a tour of the extremely picturesque territory of the university.
Oksana Havrysh
Associate Professor of the Department of Management
named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi
Translated Oksana Havrysh
Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centreTo Applicants (синій)

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