Students – members of the scientific circle of the Production and Investment Management Department - actively participated in the Open doors’ day of the University

April 12, 2023

 On April 6, our university hospitably received future applicants, their parents and mentors in its classrooms and halls. Representatives of all faculties, educational and scientific institutes and departments welcomed the guests as a friendly family. Schoolchildren had the opportunity to communicate with students, teachers, heads of departments, deans and even personally with the rector Stanislav M. Nikolaienko.

Students of the 3rd year of the 4th group who are members of the scientific circle of the Production and Investment Management Department "Management and Today" took an active part in the organization and holding of the open day. In particular, the head of the circle Anna Krasnoshtan, as well as Dariia MusiychukOleksandr Panibratskii and Ihor Tykhonenko shared with the guests the achievements and successes of the circle, presenting the faculty of agrarian management and talking about their student life full of interesting events.



At the invitation of the heads of the scientific group of the Production and Investment Management Department, the school graduates of the specialized gymnasium No. 30 "EKONAD" attended the Day of open doors. The delegation of 30 schoolchildren was accompanied by Inna A. Gerasymenko, deputy director in the educational work of the school.

Despite the gloomy weather the guests managed to get to know the university campus and admire the surrounding scenery. The schoolchildren visited the Museum of the History of the NUBIP of Ukraine, where Ph.D. Tetyana M. Chumak, introducing the young people to the exhibition stands, led them through excursion paths from ancient times to the present day.


After the museum, the guests went to get acquainted with the faculty of agrarian management, its classrooms and laboratories, where they talked with the acting head of the Production and Investment Management Department Maryna M. Dielini. Communicating in a friendly atmosphere, the schoolchildren paid attention to the material and technical support of the university and inquired about the possibilities of admission to the university, in particular, the "Management" specialty.



And then there were meetings and acquaintances with the administration of the faculty, heads of departments, the responsible secretary of the admissions committee of NUBiP of Ukraine, the head of the senate of the student organization and the best students of FAM, from whom future applicants learned about the opportunities and benefits of study, available educational specializations and international mobility programs, admission rules for obtaining the Bachelor's degree, studying under the double diploma program, interesting student life and many other relevant information for future entrants.


Teachers and students ignited sparks of curiosity and knowledge in the eyes of future applicants with the hope that the best of them will join the happy family of NUBiP of Ukraine on September 1 and will be able to continue its glorious history.

Heads of the Scientific Circle "Management and Today"
Tatyana ARTYUK and Tatyana LOBUNETS

Translated by Kateryna ALEKSEIEVA


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