Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Economic Theory and Bioeconomy of the NULES of Ukraine participated in Online workshop Decentralised energy production and Innovations in Slovakia and replication in Ukraine

March 13, 2023


   Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Economic Theory and Bioeconomy of the NULES of Ukraine participated in Online workshop Decentralised energy production and Innovations in Slovakia and replication in Ukraine, 09.03.2023

   Among the speakers were Artur Bobovnický, Director of innovations, Slovak Innovation and energy agency Sergiy Schkurstov, Head of State finance institution for innovations Viktor Mykyra, Governor of the Zakarpatya State Regional Administration Yuriy Kamelchuk, People's Deputy of Ukraine.
   The topics of the reports of the invited speakers were:
   Panel 1. Legislative support and innovations in decentralized energy production
Slovak legislation enabling prosumers and energy communities - Stanislav Laktis, Project manager, Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency
Electricity energy market - new design - Michal Hudec, Director of market organisation and regulatory policy dept., Regulatory Office for Network Industries
Let the Sun Shine on Ukraine - How Solar Power Accelerates the Green Reconstruction of Cities - Hanna Rutkovska, Energy Policy Expert Center for Environmental Initiatives Ecoaction
Technology solutions for energy production and management - Kristián Takáč, Independent energy expert
   Panel 2. Financing of energy innovations and renewables
Financing of the green transition in Slovakia from the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Fund - Zdeněk Čech, Head of Economic Analyses Section, European Commission Representation in Slovakia
European structural and investment funds programmes managed by SIEA - Stanislav Laktis, Project manager, Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency
Financing of innovations in Slovakia - Artur Bobovnický, Director of Innovation section, Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency
Applying best practices from EU funds to the reconstruction of Ukraine - Vladlena Martsynkevych, Project coordinator CEE Bankwatch network
Proposal for common actions of Slovakia and Ukraine in innovations and renewables - Dr. Yuriy Seniuk, National ScienceTechnological Association of Ukraine.

Inna Gushcha,

Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economic Theory

To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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