Nominations for the 2023 MDPI Sustainability Awards are now open!

February 1, 2023
м. Київ НУБіП України

Nominations for the 2023 MDPI Sustainability Awards are now open!


The MDPI Sustainability Foundation and the journal Sustainability are offering 2 awards:

The Emerging Sustainability Leader Award worth 20,000 USD
The World Sustainability Award worth 100,000 USD
The awards were created to recognize the achievements of scholars in the sustainability fields and to fund projects of future leaders in sustainability. The winners will be announced at the 10th World Sustainability Forum (WSF2023), which is going to be held on 14 September 2023.

We've made the nomination process easy to follow: Download and complete our nomination form, attach the nominee’s CV and send it back to us. More information is available on the Foundation’s website.

This year, we've made it easier for you: no need to go collecting the necessary information in different documents – simply download our nomination form, fill it out, attach the nominee’s CV and send it back to us. More information is available on the Foundation’s website.

Have we piqued your interest? Check out MDPI Podcast to hear from our past awardees!

Dr. Lela Mélon was one of the 2021 Emerging Sustainability Leader Awardees. Executive Director of the Planetary Wellbeing Project at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Dr. Mélon has already begun to transform higher education and is setting her sights on business.
Listen to Dr. Mélon’s interview here.

Prof. Dr. John Elkington was one of the 2021 World Sustainability Awardees. Creator of the ‘Triple Bottom Line’ and now founder and leader of sustainability thinktank Volans, Professor Elkington has been leading sustainability for decades.
Prof. Dr. Elkington’s interview can be found by clicking here.

This could be you or one of your colleagues this year! So don’t wait and get nominating now!

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Looking forward to receiving your nominations.

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Ivan Rogovskii


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