Andriy I. Babytskiy

Education – high, V. Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University (2008), specialty «Pedagogy and methodics of secondary school. Biology», qualification – teacher of biology, valeology and basic ecology.

Scientific degree –PhD (biol) (2012), specialty 03.00.05 – botany.

Academic rank – associate professor (2021).

Field of scientific interests: plant resistance to adverse environmental factors and harmful organisms.

Publications: author and co-author of about 130 scientific works, including 30 articles (11 in referenced journals by Scopus and Web of Science), 1 monograph, 2 copyright certificates and 7 methodological recommendations. Scopus (2023): number of publications: 9.

Grants, awards, membership in scientific societies:

  • 2013-2014 – "Conservation of rare aquatic ferns’ natural habitats in Ukraine" with the support of the Rufford Grants Foundation («Rufford Small Grants» ID: 13660-1). 
  • 2014 – "Uniting youth for biodiversity", Tsakhkazor, Armenia Republic.
  • 2018 – "Diversity and Systematics of Black Fungus Gnats (Diptera: Sciaridae) in the Palaearctic Region", Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Műnheberg, Germany.
  • 2021 – The 15th EDGG Field Workshop “Grasslands and coastal habitats of Southern Ukraine”, Mykolaiv and Kherson Regions, Ukraine.
  • 2022 – Workshop “Course on Data skills in biodiversity education and research, for students from Ukraine”, Organizer University of Oslo, Natural History Museum, GBIF Norway and GBIF Secretariat, on-line.
  • 2023 – “Biodata mobilization of entomological collections of the I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of NAS of Ukraine”, Personal grant, (project number Biodata Cepa-LT-2017/10049, UiO project number 101063).

Teaching disciplines: "Plant Physiology with Basics of Biochemistry" (Agrobiology), "Plant Physiology" (Plant Protection), «Objects of biotechnological production» (Biotechnology).

Working at the department since 2013.

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