A conversation about modern trends in the development of the plant protection products market in Europe with Bayer expert Dmytro Zorgach

December 6, 2022
As part of the activity of the student research DNA Leader Club, a senior lecturer of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi Alona Zorgach organized online meeting for students with Dmytro Zorgach – manager of marketing of plant protection products of the EMEA region, Bayer Crop Science. The topic of the meeting: "Modern trends in the development of the plant protection products market in Europe."
During the meeting, Dmytro Zorgach introduced the students to his life path and career development, starting with his studies at the Faculty of Agrarian Management and Horticulture at the National Agrarian University (NULES of Ukraine) to his current position as the top manager of marketing of agricultural products in the EMEA region (Europe +Africa+Middle East), Bayer Crop Science.
Over the last 12 years, our guest has worked at Bayer in various positions, constantly deepening his knowledge as a specialist and consultant on the use of plant protection products, and at the same time improving his qualities as a manager and marketer. Dmytro Zorgach shared the peculiarities of working with farmers and managers of agricultural holdings in Ukraine, noting that the company's managers serve the interests of producers of agricultural products, together they try to find the optimal solution to current issues, prioritizing the interests of agricultural producers.
A large part of the meeting was focused on the general characteristics of Bayer's activities as an international company, especially its Crop Science division.
The speaker noted that Bayer adheres to the principles of sustainable development and is a socially responsible company. The company's corporate culture is based on LIFE values (L – Leadership, I – Integrity, F – Flexibility, E – Efficiency).
During the meeting, the peculiarities of the plant and seed protection products market in the world, Europe and Ukraine were discussed in detail. Dmytro Zorgach analyzed market shares by types of pesticides (herbicides, fungicides and insecticides) by regions, leading countries, and by agricultural crops.
The guest also familiarized the listeners with the results of sales of chemical fertilizers of major agrochemical companies for 2020 and 2021, where he clearly indicated an increase in the total volume of sales. Dmytro Zorgach optimistically noted that, according to the company's forecasts, the agrochemical sector has a trend of stable growth over the next 5 years. The increase in the human population on the planet and the increase in the consumption of protein food stimulates the development of crop production, and this, in turn, creates a demand for the use of pesticides.
At the end of the meeting, Dmytro Zorgach allocated enough time for a question-and-answer dialogue. Among the important life conclusions from Dmytro were: 1) do not be afraid to express your own well-founded opinion, even if it does not coincide with the opinion of the majority; 2) be a specialist in your field, be interested in the nuances, novelties of the issues you work with; 3) understand the key importance of meeting the needs of the consumer, taking into account his opinion when forming the parameters of the product or service, etc.
All voiced questions proved the audience's interest, and the guest's report and answers confirmed his professionalism and ability to work with the audience. It is for this reason that at the end of this meeting, it was agreed to organize the next meeting in the future.
We thank the guest, Dmytro Zorgach, for the meaningful, interesting story, his concern for the content of training students of his alma mater and promoting the professional and personal development of young people!!!


Oleksandr Novak,

Associate Professor of the Department of

Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi
Alona Zorhach,
Assistant of the Department of
Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi

Translated Oksana Havrysh


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