II All-Ukrainian scientific and practical online conference of higher education applicants and young scientists "Actual issues of management theory and practice in the conditions of modern challenges" was held in the Department of Management named after P
II All-Ukrainian scientific and practical online conference of higher education applicants and young scientists "Actual issues of management theory and practice in the conditions of modern challenges" was held in the Department of Management named after P
October 31, 2022
II All-Ukrainian scientific and practical online conference of higher education applicants and young scientists "Actual issues of management theory and practice in the conditions of modern challenges" was held in the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi on Wednesday, October 26, 2022. In total, more than 50 participants took part in the conference, representing not only our university, but also other institutions of higher education.
At the beginning of conference, the head of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi Tetiana Balanovska talked to the participants with a welcome speech, noting the importance of holding such events among higher education applicants and young scientists. Tetiana Balanovska wished all participants of the conference good work, interesting reports and active discussion.
The reports presented at the conference impressed a wide variety of interesting issues, in particular, the motivation of personnel during the wartime period, the formation of habits of famous personalities, the implementation of CRM in the enterprise’s activities, as well as many issues related to management in modern conditions.
Tamila Prokopyshyna, theapplicantof second (master's) level of higher education of the Faculty of Agrarian Management, spoke first before the participants of the conference with a report: "The role of motivation in the activities of enterprises." The speaker substantiated the essence of the concept of motivation, emphasized methods of staff motivation from Western experts, focused attention on employee motivation during martial law.
Special attention of participants was devoted to the problem of using socio-psychological methods of management in the enterprise. Anastasiia Horpyniak made such a report. The student emphasized the significance and importance of social-psychological methods, revealed their structure, and also singled out directions for the implementation of such methods in the enterprise.
With great interest, the participants of conference listened to the speech of Oleksandra Kozachuk, a 3rd-year student, on the topic: "Habits of successful people." The report considered the benefits of forming habits, identified the main groups of habits that are characteristic of successful people, and also characterized the reasons that prevent the formation of positive habits in managers.
Alina Bilenko spoke an interesting report "The use of CRM in the company's activities". The speaker emphasized the importance and advantages of implementing such technologies in the activities of enterprises.
The reports of the applicants Nataliia Vidruk " Careful personnel management in the conditions of a changing VUCA environment", Vadym Lozovyi "Formation and development of the leadership potential of the entrepreneur’s employees" and Oleksandra Kamynina "Modern methods of time management" aroused considerable interest.
In general, during the discussion, a lot of questions were raised regarding modern management conditions under martial law; strategic management of enterprises; innovative tools for managing the activities of enterprises in the post-war period; modern approaches in personnel management.
Based on the results of the event, the organizing committee decided to recognize the best speakers and their research. Thus, the prize winners of the conference were:
1st place – Tamila Prokopyshyna, Oleksandra Kozachuk, Oleksandra Kamynina.
2nd place - Alina Bilenko, Nataliia Vidruk.
3rd place – Anastasiia Horpyniak, Vadym Lozovyi.
Interesting reports and heated discussion proved that higher education applicants and young scientists continue to actively work on management issues in various economic entities, taking into account the challenges of today.
The organizing committee thanks all participants of the II All-Ukrainian scientific and practical online conference of higher education applicants and young scientists "Actual issues of management theory and practice in the conditions of modern challenges" for their interest, reports, good ideas and invites them to further cooperation!