The Education and Scientific Laboratory of Economic Theory and Bioeconomics of the Faculty of Agricultural Management took part in the launch of the Award for Rural Development program as a part of the EU CAP Network

October 10, 2022
    The Education and Scientific Laboratory of Economic Theory and Bioeconomics of the Faculty of Agricultural Management of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences took part in the launch of the Award for Rural Development program as a part of the EU CAP Network, which took place on October 6, 2022 in Brussels.

    The EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Network will serve as a platform for knowledge and information exchange, for peer-to-peer learning, and for the exchange of experience and best practices in the implementation of the CAP. It will bring together current stakeholders, as well as students, teachers, researchers, involved in innovation, implementation and evaluation at the EU level.

Mykola Talavyrya,

Head of the Department of Economic Theory
Inna Gushka,
Head of the Laboratory



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