Practical training of instructors of a higher education institution

October 11, 2022


Beautiful autumn embroiders maples

Red, yellow, silver, gold.

And the leaves ask, "Embroider us in green color!

We'll be still staying, we won't shed our leaves. 

Lina Kostenko


But it will take quite a bit more time, and all the trees will gradually change their garments. Their leaves will turn yellow, red and other variegated colors. And we won't stop being surprised by its fascinating colors!


There is no other time of year, except autumn, which could boast such a variety of colors and shades. But students of the PVSH-21001m group sometimes do not have enough time to admire the fabulous landscapes, they are at the finish line before the end of their studies and soon, like leaves swirling in the air, they will fly to their homes, to the desired work, with new knowledge and experience, and most importantly, with an irrepressible desire to sow the good, reasonable, eternal. In the meantime, practice, industrial complex practice in the specialty, practice that is the eternal criterion of truth. 

Запитаємо ж у них про цілі і завдання, яких вони досягли, про новий досвід і нові про враження, які вони отримали виконуючи завдання практики.

Passing a comprehensive industrial internship in the specialty for students of the PVSH-21001m group of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, told  Kateryna Koloniy, convinced me as a future teacher of the relevance and importance of mastering all available forms and methods of distance learning. For several years in a row, all teachers-practitioners of our country face threatening and unexpected challenges (pandemic, war), which forced them to change the traditional forms of educational, educational and methodical work. 


Therefore, in my opinion, future teachers, first of all, should be proficient in modern information and communication technologies, use the latest online educational platforms, and be able to develop distance courses in academic disciplines and subjects.

It is the use of such modern digital tools that has allowed many applicants to master academic disciplines, successfully complete the curriculum, and master the practical component, even in today's difficult conditions of stay outside of Ukraine.

In the context of Ukraine's integration into the European and global educational space, the requirements for training senior specialists are significantly increasing, which is what the master's program of our faculty of humanities and pedagogy is aimed at, the purpose of which is to train teachers for higher education institutions.

Student Valeriia Hapylina noted that now we are going through hard times, but we must remember that studying is the key to a successful future for each of us and for our entire nation. I am very happy that I have the opportunity to study, despite such difficult conditions. And what is training without practice? 


It is during the practice that we, students, consolidate and improve our theoretical knowledge and practical skills, we have the opportunity to analyze and study the experience of our mentors, receive advice and advice, and master unique and invaluable pedagogical experience. We fully share the opinion of our students, because the high quality of training of a modern specialist is provided by a combination of fundamental and special knowledge with practical training, which is a mandatory component of the educational and professional program for obtaining appropriate qualifications and acquiring high-level professional competence by a future teacher.

Our interview ends with the headman of the PVSH-21001m group Kateryna Melikova, one of those students who really support education and the country, one of those for whom the future profession is a dream that will soon come true. The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine has become a native home for me and my groupmates. Our department of pedagogy headed by the head, professor Ruslan Sopivnyk has created all the conditions for us to successfully complete our internship. And our experienced instructorsLesya MatsenkoNadiia DiraLidiia Cherednyk practical and lecture classes, which we had the opportunity to attend and analyze, provided each of us with significant theoretical support and created a proper basis for preparing and conducting our own classes in various disciplines.

I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart the dean of the faculty Inna Savytska, first deputy dean Ihor Butsyk, the head of the practice Vasyl Bazelyuk, head of the department of management and educational technologies Serhiy Kubitskyi and all the employees of the department headed by him, who even in war conditions provided us with decent practical training, for which we are immensely grateful to them.

From the first day of training, which this year at our university began on August 15 with industrial practices, and I can not help but note the great interest and thirst for knowledge of students of our group who are trying to creatively approach the solution of tasks. I personally enjoyed the practice incredibly, which became for me and, I think for all other students, a powerful incentive to develop and improve their skills in order to improve the educational process.


Industrial complex practice in the specialty is the final stage of our training at the University. During the practice, we learned to apply modern methods and technologies, including information and multimedia, realized the systematic connection of pedagogical methods used by teachers with ensuring the quality of the educational process, mastered the skills of pedagogical communication, organization and conduct of educational work, and most importantly, we learned to analyze and critically evaluate the results of our own professional activities, learned independence and responsibility. Perhaps for the first time in our lives, we felt our own theoretical and practical readiness to carry out professional pedagogical activities."

Concluding our interview, we note that in the process of production complex practice in the specialty, in addition to all of the above, practical verification of the levels of professional competence of future teachers is carried out, when pre-formed concepts and models of training and education of the individual are implemented in the conditions of practical educational process, and the future teacher has the opportunity to consolidate skills and abilities in the system of their own professional experience. Thus, the work of a teacher of a higher education institution is one of the most important, but at the same time the most difficult. Therefore, those who want to become teachers should clearly understand what requirements they will face, and not only acquire professional knowledge, but also cultivate their own character, develop intellectually and emotionally. Therefore, we wish our students success in the difficult but necessary work of humanity, work for the sake of a bright future of our country. 


Vasyl Bazelyuk,
associate professor of the department of management and educational technologies

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