Address: 03041 Kyiv, Polkovnyka Potehina Str., 16, Building 12.
Tel.: (044) 527-80-41
E-mail: [email protected]

The Director:
Serhii І. Holopura
Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor
Research Institute of Animal Health is an important structural unit of the ERI VMQSAP, which operates from1 November, 2001.
Academician of NAAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Veterinary Science, Professor G. Khmelnytsky (2001-2007) was the first director of the Institute of Animal Health.
Corresponding Member of NAAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Veterinary Science, Professor A.Y. Mazurkevych, Doctor of Veterinary Science, professor, the Laureate of the Russian Federation Government award in Science and Technology V.V. Nedosekov headed the institute in different times. Doctor of Veterinary Sciences,professors, Academician of Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine D.A. Zasekin is currently the director of the Institute.
The activity aim of Animal Health Research Institute – is joint activities of scientists, doctoral students, graduate students and students activities and scientific support in the solution of key problem of veterinary welfare, quality and safety of animal products providing inUkraine.
95 scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff from 10 departments provide scientific investigations. 5 problem scientific-research, 7 research, 4 educational- scientific-engineering laboratories of the institute, as well as 7 educational, scientific-engineering laboratory training inseparate structural NULES units of Educational- Research- Enterprise (ERE) of Ukraine function at the institute.
The directions of scientific investigations:
- development of sheet and bulk plastynation of biological objects methods;
- development of algorithms for computer programs creation to control cattle reproductive function;
- development of artificial insemination of dogs biotechnological foundations;
- development of complex program of monitoring and stimulation of reproductive capacity of animals;
- monitoring of biological risks to ensure the production of good quality safe products;
- monitoring of animals parasitic diseases in different regions of the country, improving the methods of their diagnostics and prevention;
- improvement of diagnosis and prevention of diseases methods and animals mixed mycotoxicosis treatments chemes;
- pharmacotherapeutice valuation of medicines that have immuno-stimulating properties;
- development of medicinal products by nanotechnology in microcapsule and liposomal forms, investigation of clinical efficiency at animals non-contagious pathology;
- sanitary and hygienic providing and development of feed additives technologies from initial fish product;
- study of veterinary medicine of ukraine history.