Scientific internship as an important component of improving the professional competences of scientific and pedagogical employees
Scientific internship as an important component of improving the professional competences of scientific and pedagogical employees
August 18, 2022
Scientific training abroad for scientific and pedagogical employees is an opportunity to improve their theoretical knowledge and practical skills, improve knowledge of a foreign language, establish business contacts, exchange useful information with foreign colleagues, etc.
Senior lecturer of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi PhD in Economics Kristina Dramaretska is undergoing a scientific internship under the supervision of Dr. hab., Professor Agata Malak-Rawlikowska at the Department of Economics and Organization of Enterprises of the Institute of Economics and Finance of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. During this internship, Kristina Dramaretska acquainted with the organization of the educational process at the university, studied the peculiarities of managing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises, as well as the possibilities of implementing the best Polish experience in Ukraine.
On April 26, 2022, Kristina Dramaretska took part in the work of the scientific conference "Transformation of ownership in agriculture – 30 years of experience and perspectives", which was organized by the Department of Economics and Organization of Enterprises, the Institute of Economics and Finance of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and the Institute of Village and Rural Development of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The purpose of the conference was to summarize the thirty-year experience of the process of property transformation in agriculture and to point out opportunities and threats for further development.

On May 9-10, 2022, Kristina Dramaretska took part in the work of the 5th International Scientific Conference from the series "Economic sciences for agribusiness and rural areas", organized by the Institute of Economics and Finance of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. One of the main topics of the conference was "The European Green Deal: challenges for agribusiness and rural areas".

Kristina Dramaretska together with Dr. hab., Professor Agata Malak-Rawlikowska and students of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, visited an agricultural enterprise near Warsaw, which is engaged in cattle breeding and has a dairy and meat specialization. The director of the enterprise conducted a tour for students and teachers, during which he spoke in detail about the features of the enterprise's functioning, familiarized them with its organizational and economic mechanism and technological processes.

On May 20-21, 2022, Kristina Dramaretska attended the Days of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – a celebration of the academic community, organized mainly for residents of Warsaw and neighboring voivodships. During the celebration, scientific achievements of employees and students were presented at the stands. The program of the scientific picnic was full of numerous entertainments for both children and adults.

On June 9, 2022, Kristina Dramaretska took part in the work of the II scientific conference "Economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic".

On June 10, 2022, at the meeting of the Department of Economics and Organization of Enterprises of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences Kristina Dramaretska provided information about scientific research during her internship. In this meeting was also attended the head of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Tetiana Balanovska, head of the Department of Public Management and Administration of the Sumy National Agrarian University Olena Slavkova, Professor of the Department of Marketing of the Poltava State Agrarian University Nataliya Gerasimchuk.

We express our sincere gratitude to the management of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences for the opportunity of a scientific internship.
Alina Troian,
Associate Professor of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi
Translated Oksana Havrysh