The victory of BIODIGITAL team at the Virtual international summer school in the framework of the DAAD Project «Digital Modernization of Lecturing in Ukrainian Agricultural Universities»

July 22, 2022
From July 5th till 14th 2022 the Virtual international summer school in the framework of the DAAD Project „Digital Modernization of Lecturing in Ukrainian Agricultural Universities“ was held by the international expert team included: 6 experts from three Ukrainian universities participating in the project and 3 European experts in the field of digitalization.
Summer school participants: teams of Ukrainian universities consisting of 6 teachers + 10 students. In order to disseminate the results of the project, other Ukrainian universities are welcome to participate.
NUBiP was presented by two teams. Our BIODIGITAL team has united the following members:
Students: Mariia SERDIUKOVA (Team Leader); Yelyzaveta DIDUR; Anna KRASNOSHTAN; Oleksandra KAMYNINA; Oleksandr BOHDANIUK 
Scientific support: Vitalii LUTSIAK, Tetyana KUTS, Vita STROKAL, Oleksandr FAICHUK
Short info of School. The summer school was divided into several online sessions.
The first session was named “European best practices in digital instruments using” and held by the EU experts. Particularly, the project coordinator Prof. Dr. Ralf Schlauderer applied to participants with his welcome speech. Presentation of the DAAD project “Digital Modernization of lecturing in Ukrainian Agricultural Universities: working stages, challenges, and achievements” was performed by Dr. Kateryna Tuzhyk (University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf) while Nieky van Veggel (Writtle University College, United Kingdom) told to participants about student-focused learning, teaching, and assessment. Also, an interesting report “Zoom tools: creating engaging live online events” was presented by Charlotte Kätyel (Hochschule Ansbach). However, the most creative and exciting lesson was spent by Tobias Greissing (Imsinne GmbH) where the lecturer gave a lot of tasks for participants to develop their design thinking skills.
For the next two working days, the Ukrainian experts shared experiences about different and important digital tools. Particularly, Dr. Yurii Volosiuk and D.Sc. Anastasia Poltorak (Mykolayiv National Agrarian University) explained the building an online course using H5P and Moodle. In turn, Dr. Svitlana Lukash and Dr. Alina Brychko (Sumy National Agrarian University) presented the peculiarities of using Camtasia, Mentimetr, Kahoot, Socrative, Triventy, Padlet, Quizizz etc. in the learning process. Furthermore, experts from the National University of life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Dr. Tetiana Voloshyna and Dr. Valentyna Korolchuk told about visualization tools for creating interactive digital content pf various types (PowerPoint, Sway, PowToon, Prezi, Canva, Nearpod, Venngage etc.).
On Friday, the 8th of July, all project teams presented themselves. Especially, the project team from NUBiP of Ukraine “BioDigital” which included the staff and students of the university including the representatives from the agricultural management faculty (Dr. Vitalii Lutsiak, Dr. Oleksandr Faichuk, students: Anna Krasnoshtan, Oleksandra Kamynina, and Oleksandr Bohdaniuk) from economic faculty (Dr. Kuts Tetyana); from the faculty of Plant Protection, Biotechnology and Ecology (Dr. Vita Strokal, students: Mariia Serdiukova, Yelyzaveta Didur) was able to present the aim, motto, team concept, personal information and most commonly used digital tools in short but certainly.
After that, all project teams received the task to create their own STEM-project about anything related to our life and study under the guidance of EU and Ukrainian mentors by using modern digital tools. For five days our team had been working hard but finally, our STEM-project was done in time.
The main feature of this summer school was the close cooperation of teachers and students from different faculties of NUBiP of Ukraine, which allowed us to discuss the tasks from various sides and complement the solution of problems in accordance with modern European approaches – from the standpoint of economic, social and environmental points of view.
On Thursday, the 14th of July despite air alarms, problems with electricity and Internet connection we were able to present it. According to the voting results, the project “EU Integration via Digitalization” obtained the highest score - 31 points (the same results received by the teams from SNAU and NUWEE). Thus, our team “BioDigital” has won at the Virtual international summer school in the framework of the DAAD Project „Digital Modernization of Lecturing in Ukrainian Agricultural Universities“. Also, it should be noted that the prize for winners is free access to use the digital tool - Camtasia.


The info about the project.
The STEM-project “EU Integration via Digitalization” by the NUBiP of Ukraine team “BioDigital” is devoted to facilitating the EU integration by the digitalization of Ukrainian education. The project has been divided into 3 chapters: the EU digitalization strategy, digitalization in Ukraine, and digitalization of the studying in NUBiP of Ukraine. The faculty's staff and students had been working together from the 5th July to 14th July. Finally, they presented not only the general information in order to the chosen topic by different digital tools (Canva, Excel, Atlas.ti, PowerPoint, GoogleSearch, SPSS, GoogleForms, Camtasia, Padlet,OBS studio etc.) but also at the end of the report the team members showed for organizers and participants the short video with their practice performance of the STEM-project. It should be noted that staff and students enjoyed working together. It was an unforgettable and valuable experience, new knowledge, and, of course, satisfaction from victory.
Also in this project, we explored how digital tools are being implemented in Ukraine. We highlighted the significance of Sustainable development Goals (SGDs) in developing our country. We discussed that if we want to integrate with European Union, our country's development must be based on Sustainable development Goals. Furthermore, we divided SGDs into economic, social, and environmental vectors. These vectors include all 17 of SGDs. In the project, we made a diagram that showed the cycle of interconnected elements of Sustainable Goals and Digitalization. We divided digital tools into four straightaways: digital business, digital government, digital education, and digital infrastructure. These straightaways involved the main digital tools that can demonstrate the achievements of digitalization in Ukraine.
Furthermore, we saw the achievements that will be implemented in Ukraine by the year 2030. For example, our country needs to provide 80% of the population to have digital skills and access to electronic health data. Implementing all these achievements will allow our country to comply with EU requirements. According to this, we demonstrated examples of the digital tools which are involved in digital business, government, environment, and education. For example, digital tools, like EcoZagroza, Ecodozor, Clean Water, Open Access Environmental, and Saveecobot – relate to the digital environment.
  • the BIODIGITAL team is thankful to the organizers of Virtual international summer school in the framework of the DAAD Project „Digital Modernization of Lecturing in Ukrainian Agricultural Universities“ – Prof. Dr. Ralf SCHLAUDERER, Dr. Larysa KALACHEVSKA, Dr. Svitlana LUKASH, Dr. Yurii VOLOSIUK for a great opportunity to improve our digital skills;
  • the scientific staff and students are expressing gratitude to the top management of the NUBiP, particularly, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Work, International Activity and Development Vadym TKACHUK and Educational and Scientific Center for International Activity, represented by Oleksandr LABENKO, also deans of the faculties for the prominent support;
  • we are grateful to our mentors from the Faculty of Information Technologies of the NUBiP Dr. Tetiana VOLOSHYNA and Dr. Valentyna KOROLCHUK for their advice in the implementation of the STEM-project.
Oleksandr FAICHUK
Tetyana KUTS


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