The "season" of practices has begun at the Production and Investment Management Department!

June 21, 2022

 Only on Friday we congratulated our students on the successful completion of the exam session, and on Monday we met again, because the period of practice has come: for some students it is educational practice, for some students it is production practice. According to the order of the NULES of Ukraine, the training and research laboratory of investment projecting of the Production and Investment Management Department has been established as a basis of practice.


With the first group of students the head of practice from the Production and Investment Management Department Ph.D. Anna Dergach met on June 6, 2022 to announce the start of distance educational practice. The first impressions of learning, the first attempts to immerse yourself in the practical world of management, i.e. the meeting was easy and informative. Students were informed about the Practice Program, tasks and received recommendations for their implementation.


The role of practical classes for graduates of the 1st year of education is crucial. During this period of studying the peculiarities of future work are introduced, the foundations of professional culture are laid and respect for the future profession is formed.

All interns were greeted by the Acting Head of the Production and Investment Management Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor Maryna Dielini who wished them a successful practice and expressed confidence in the correct choice of the future profession by young people.

It is important that the mentors of the groups joined the practical training. Thus, Associate Professor of Production and Investment Management Department Tetiana Artyukh, mentor of the 1st year students spoke on interesting facts about the Dunning-Krueger effect, which aroused great interest in the audience.


Mentor of foreigners of the 1 year of studying at Masters’ Program "Management of Investment Activity and International Projects", Associate Professor of Production and Investment Management Department Kateryna Alekseieva also joined the beginning of the production practice of her students, helping them to identify enterprises and research objectives.


The distance educational practice for the 3rd year students majoring in "Management" and masters of the 1st year of Masters’ Program "Management of Investment Activity and International Projects" is unusual this year, because they need not only to get acquainted with selected companies remotely, but also to apply creativity and knowledge in finding the necessary information at a distance.


During the practice, students of all courses, are guided by the developed Practice Programs. They receive Individual tasks, gain experience in management methods, research, professional qualities, skills of creative attitude to the future profession.

We wish our interns success, satisfaction with the work done!

Anna Dergach,
PhD (Public Administration), Associate Professor of the
Production and Investment Management Department

Translated by Kateryna Alekseieva

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