June 15, 2022
According to the curriculum for the applicants of higher education of the educational-professional program of training the bachelors in specialty 073 "Management" from June 7, 2022 started distance educational practice in the specialty, the module of which was ensure by the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi. The heads of the practice, Natalia Drahnieva and Oksana Havrysh, exercised control over the course of its passage, acquainted the applicants of higher education with the mechanisms of solving management problems and tasks on the example of various analytical data and statistical information.

During the educational practice, students had the opportunity to deepen their theoretical knowledge in professional disciplines: quality management, leadership theory, communication management and motivational management.
During the internship, the applicants of higher education learned to analyze the situation and identify shortcomings in the management system, to take measures to eliminate and prevent them; to plan the activities of the organization and design the structure of the organization and management structure; analyze the process of motivation and control in the management system of the organization.
The educational practice contributed to the formation of students in the 2nd year the experience in their chosen profession, professional skills and abilities to solve problems related to the management of modern organizations.
Alina Troian,
Associate Professor of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi
Translated Oksana Havrysh