Attestation of applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education of specialty 073 "Management" of EPP "Management of Organizations and Administration"

June 7, 2022
According to the Regulations of the preparation and defense of master's thesis at NULES of Ukraine, the schedule of the educational process at the University, Requirements for attestation of master's students and preliminary defense of master's thesis on May 24, 2022 at a meeting of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi  the second attestation of applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education of specialty 
073 "Management" of EPP "Management of Organizations and Administration" 
was held.
The head of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi, Professor Tetiana Balanovska noted the importance of the second attestation in the preparation of masters in view of the opportunity for master students to highlight the results of their already completed educational and scientific work, outline developments on master's qualification work of practical and propositional nature, to receive constructive proposals, recommendations and remarks from the teachers of the department. The head of the department informed about the procedure for reporting by applicants for higher education on the results of individual plans for attestation.
The guarantor of the educational and professional program "Management of Organizations and Administration" Olga Gogulya during the presentation focused on the basic requirements and norms of the Regulations governing the training of higher education "Master" at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. She highlighted the main stages (approximate schedule) of preparation and defense of master's theses.
The guarantor of EPP "Management of Organizations and Administration" summarized the types of educational and scientific work performed by full-time and part-time master's students. She paid special attention to the master's page on the NULES of Ukraine website, focused on continuing and completing the portfolio by the end of November, noticed students and their heads attention to the basic requirements for preparing and defending master's theses, in particular the list of sources used, conditions for successful passing of the master's qualification work for signs of plagiarism.
After the introductory (instructional) part on the issue of attestation of masters, teachers of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi heard reports of full-time and part-time students of higher education. Applicants briefly presented the purpose, objectives, object and subject of research on the topic of master's thesis, described the practical basis for substantiating the results of theoretical research, reported on the status of planned types of work specified in the individual educational plan of the master's student.
In the process of discussing the reports, the answers of the applicants to the questions of those present at the meeting, teachers together with master's students identified problematic issues and outlined ways to solve them.
We wish our master's students a peaceful sky, good health, a successful session, creative inspiration to continue the implementation and completion of master's theses in the process of obtaining the dream profession!
Natalia Drahnieva,
Associate Professor of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi
Translated Oksana Havrysh


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