The Department of Economic Theory joined the webinar «Regulatory Barriers for Energy Service Companies – Perspectives from National ESCO Associations»

June 3, 2022
   The Department of Economic Theory joined the webinar «Regulatory Barriers for Energy Service Companies – Perspectives from National ESCO Associations», on May 31st, 2022.

   The webinar was hosted by UNEP DTU Partnership The Global ESC NetWork.
   UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre is a leading international advisory institution on energy, climate and sustainable development.
   Its work focuses on assisting developing countries and emerging economies transition towards more low carbon development paths, and supports integration of climate-resilience in national development.
   UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre is actively engaged in implementing UN Environment’s Climate Change Strategy and Energy Programme.
   The centre employs 70 experts of 26 different nationalities working around the world from offices in UN City, Copenhagen and has more than 30 years of experience working with academia from leading institutions around the world.

   The webinar examined 12 countries and their regulatory environments, identified and classified ten types of regulatory barriers that ESCOs face to a greater or lesser extent in their activities. During the launch, the three countries participating in the analysis briefly reviewed the regulatory environment in their respective national contexts, followed by a Q&A session.


Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economic Theory 

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