Prepare students for Final Qualification Exam
Final State Qualification Exam (FSQE) is designed to assess basic and clinical veterinary sciences knowledge. It is a standardized form of control over the achievement of higher education students' learning outcomes, defined by the standard of higher education and evaluation of such learning outcomes. The purpose of the exam is to assess the readiness of a graduates to carry out the professional activities as veterinarian.
In May, lecturers of the Department of Veterinary Hygiene named after Prof. A.K/ Skorokhodko - Head of the Department, Doctor of Veterinary Science Maria Kucheruk, Associate Professors Tatiana Taran and Maria Galaburda gave general lectures to prepare graduating masters.
The content of the exem is determined by the programs prepared by working group and approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science from 20.04.2021 № 444 "On approval of the SQE program in" Veterinary Medicine " at the second (master's) level of higher education").
In order to successfully complete the exam, the future veterinarian must have the competencies that are formed during the study of a complex of fundamental, pre-clinical and clinical disciplines (360 ECTS credits) in higher education. The examinee must have a sufficient level of knowledge, skills and competencies regarding the structure, function and condition of organs, their systems and apparatus both within the physiological norm and in case of pathological processes, patterns of development of these processes, methods and techniques of clinical and laboratory diagnosis. of animals, the effects of certain veterinary drugs on the animal's body and pathogens of infectious and parasitic diseases, methods and ways to determine the safety and quality of food and feed, regulations governing the activities of veterinarians.
Topics covered by the teachers of the department were related to the section of the exam "Ensuring the concept of" One Health "and the legal basis of the Veterinary Servises", which is 20-30% of the share of the final assessment. In particular, students were offered material on animal welfare and hygiene, hygiene of primary processing of productive animals, production of food of animal origin, their safety and quality, safety and quality of feed for productive animals, food and feed safety management system, public control over compliance with legislation on food, feed and animal by-products.
We wish students a successful confirmation of the knowledge acquired during the compilation of SQE!