The CIGR Newsletter 128

March 31, 2022
University of Florida, USA



The International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
“A Global Association of ABE Professional Societies”

The CIGR Newsletter 128 is now available at:

This link

In this issue:

  1. First Call: CIGR Incoming President Nominations
  2. CIGR Journal:  2021 Report
  3. CIGR Immediate Past President, former NSE President, 8 others elected as Fellows of Nigerian Academy of Engineering
  4. Special Issue on "Updates and Advances to the FAO56 Crop Water Requirements Methods"
  5. Prof. Michael Favorode inducted as new president of PASAE
  6. ASABE Bioprocess Startup Competition for Students
  7. Journal of the ASABE Debuts
  8. HAICTA 2022: 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food & Environment  
  9. Reminder: Registration and Abstract Submission for the CIGR World Congress is Open
  10. Fundamentals of Deep Learning Workshop
  11. Free Student Membership in ASABE
  12. Invitation to the Inter-Regional Conference Sustainable Production in Water-Scarce Agroecosystems
  13. Invitation to Attend CSBE/SCGAB’s AGM and Technical Conference
Upcoming Conferences:
  • Bioenergy, Renewable Energy Systems, Transmission and Storage of Electricity, Olsztyn Poland
  • 30th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
  • ASABE 2022 Annual International Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA
  • 11the International Drainage Symposium, Des Moines Iowa, USA
  • Sustainable Production Agrosystems With Water Scarcity  (SUPWAS)
  • Sustainable Energy for Sustainable Future. 24-26 October, 2022. San Jose, Costa Rica.
  • AgEng-Land.Technik 2022, November 22-23, Berlin, Germany
  • CIGR World Congress: Kyoto, Japan 2022          


Ivan Rogovskii


Захисти дисертаційРегіональні навчальні заклади (синій)Набір на навчання (синій)_2015

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