Athletes of NULES of Ukraine Successfully Participated in the World Championship

September 18, 2014

Athletes of NULES of Ukraine successfully participated in the 17th World Championship in amateur radio direction finding.


Assistant of the Department of Computer Sciences, Olexandra Parkhomenko, won a silver medal of the championship at the classic distance in the range of 144 MHz in the team event in the category Women W21 as a member of the national team. Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education, Vyacheslav Parkhomenko, became world champion in the individual competition in radio orienteering and won two gold medals — at the classic distance in the range of 3.5 MHz and as a member of the national team at the classic distance in the range of 144 MHz in the category Men M50.





On the whole, 287 athletes from 25 countries from 4 continents participated in the championship, which took place in northern Kazakhstan, on September 8-12, in the State National Park “Burabay” that is also called “Kazakh Switzerland”.




Photo by Karina Konoplytska (Ukraine) and Hiroshi Izuta (Japan)


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