Masters of the Educational Program “Management of Investment Activities and International Projects”: now our main project is "Together towards the victory at all the fronts!"

March 18, 2022

On March 14, 2022 at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine training resumed in the distant and mixed formats. This has been applied for all full-time and part-time students of all courses, degrees and educational programs, both bachelors and masters. And we, the masters of the 1st year of education of the educational program "Management of Investment Activities and International Projects", with the support of teachers of the Faculty of Agrarian Management, in particular, of the Production and Investment Management Department, began training on time.

At first it was unclear how the learning process would take place. Fears that an alarm will start, that there will be no Internet, that the Elearn system will not work, that we will not be able to focus on topics… and many other reasons. But immediately, on Monday, starting with the first pair, we joined the process! The classes started on time and proved to be the same as they used to be before. On the contrary, we felt the tremendous support of the professors and their readiness to work!



We would especially like to note the classes conducted by the Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Professor Lidiia V. Shynkaruk. Lidiia V. Shynkaruk started the classes with several exercises to relieve stress and panic, reduce adrenaline. After all, now we all need more than ever to support each other, regain control, maintain an adequate mental state to help ourselves and those who need it. Our resource is our weapon.


We also had the opportunity to talk to the acting Head of the Production and Investment Management Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor Maryna M. Dielini and our mentor, Ph.D., Associate Professor Anna V. Dergach who have been continually in touch with us for three weeks.

We have always said that we did not hesitate to choose a specialty and an educational institution to study. After all, the NULES of Ukraine is the first and the only university in the capital to resume studies. And the educational program "Management of Investment Activities and International Projects" has become even more relevant than ever.

We clearly understand that our main task now is to provide a strong rear for the advanced, and the most important project, i.e to win at all the fronts. Our front and our weapons during this period is knowledge that is so necessary for our dear Ukraine!

Victoria Chervonna
The leader of the group of masters

Translated by
Kateryna Alekseieva

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