The 7th International Scientific and Practical Workshop “Development of Bioenergy Potential in Agriculture” was held at NUBiP of Ukraine

February 18, 2022

    An important feature of a strong economy of any country is the optimal provision of its energy needs. According to official data from the State Committee for Energy Conservation of Ukraine, our country consumes about 200 million tons of conventional fuel annually and is one of the energy-deficient countries, as it covers almost half of its energy needs at the expense of imported energy. One of the ways to solve this problem is the use of renewable energy sources, which includes the production of biofuels.

    The Department of Economic Theory and the Educational and Research Laboratory of Economic Theory and Bioeconomics of NUBiP of Ukraine organized the 7th International Scientific and Practical Workshop “Development of Bioenergy Potential in Agriculture” was held on February 11-12, 2022 in Kyiv.


     More than 60 participants joined the workshop through the online platform and live viewing. Among the participants were researchers, graduate students, students, business representatives and bioenergy professionals.


    The workshop was opened by the Head of the Department of Economic Theory of NUBiP of Ukraine, Professor Mykola Talavyrya, who stressed the importance of issues addressed annually at the workshop and wished fruitful work to the participants.


    The Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Management, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Anatoliy Ostapchuk, made a welcoming speech, in which he noted the extraordinary topicality of the issues raised.

    Heorhiy Heletukha, the head of the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine, delivered a speech on the production and consumption of biogas and biomethane in the EU.

    Viktor Ivchenko, Chairman of the National Science and Technology Association of Ukraine, made a report on the development of territorial communities in Bessarabia, noting the importance of renewable energy sources.


     Yuriy Senyuk, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Chairman of the National Science and Technology Association of Ukraine, presented a new model of sustainable endogenous inclusive development for the local community - the bioeconomy of health.


    Serhiy Sayapin, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Information Systems of NUBiP of Ukraine, shared his successful experience in creating an information and training platform for financial / credit advisors.


    Larysa Bondarenko, Head of Agrosurveyer LTD, made a report on the economic efficiency of green manure use and presented a model for assessing the economic efficiency of the use of green manure in agricultural production.



    Leonid Kovalenko, NUBiP part-time student, presented the report on the use of solar energy.



    Several graduate students tested their research at the workshop. In particular, Yuriy Namyasenko considered modern aspects of renewable energy investment in Ukraine and the world.


    Dmytro Melnyk outlined the prospects of biomethane production in the conditions of volatility of energy markets.


    Nazar Tkach dwelled on the production of niche crops in the context of bioeconomy development.


    A lot of young scientists participated in the workshop. Among them were Pavlo Yastrebov, Volodymyr Voskolupov, Denys Khlystun, Anastasia Solop, Yana Voytovska, Bohdan Dorosh and others. Among the student participants were Saveliy Balabanov, Taras Pshenychnyy, Yuliya Vershuta, Tetyana Stepanina, Vyacheslav Gryshko, Vladyslav Shvets and others.

    The Organizing Committee expresses gratitude to all participants and wishes them further fruitful research.

Vira Butenko,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory
Inna Gushcha,
Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory








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