Members of research club "a Leader DNA" spent their winter holidays productively and discussed it at a regular meeting

February 12, 2022

       One of the priority areas of work of teachers of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyiis involvement students for scientific activities. Many years of experience show that young people are actively interested in management issues, want to master them more deeply than provided by the curriculum.

Thus, on January 31, 2022, before the beginning of spring semester of 2021/2022 academic year, a regular meeting of members of research club "a Leader DNA"  took place on online platform Zoom.
According to the meeting, were identified two key issues: 1) discussion of the book "7 Skills of Extremely Effective People" by Stiven Kovi; 2) recommendation of the results of scientific research of students for participation in the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers.
The club members actively participated in the discussion of book, pronounced their opinion and understanding of the 7 skills of extremely effective people by Stiven Kovi. The participants of meeting came to the common conclusion that the book "7 Skills of Extremely Effective People" deserves the attention of all readers, because it is about the harmonious development of human, search for meaning in life and the right response to circumstances.
It should be noted that student research club "a Leader DNA" is not only an important component of extracurricular educational and research work of students, but also allows them to significantly improve communication skills, learning professional terminology, develop strategic thinking and more. Meeting was held in relaxed and friendly atmosphere!
At the end of the meeting the members of club discussed and decided to recommend the results of scientific research of their senior colleagues Artem Fedorov, Mykola Hrozovskyi and Yuriy Filatovto participate in the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers. Summarizing the results of participation in the competition, according to a joint decision, will be considered at the next meetings of the club.
Alina Troian,
Associate Professor Department of Management  
named after Prof. J. S. Zavadskyi
Translated by Oksana Havrysh


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