Valeria Yustinyuk, Professor assistant of the Department of Veterinary Hygiene named after prof. A.K. Skorokhodko began her internship at the University of Minnesota

February 3, 2022
Department of Veterinary Hygiene

 While NULES of Ukraine is getting ready to meet students for the second semester of 2021-2022 academic year, work in the structural units of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is gaining momentum. January is one of the most productive  month of the year, as research and teaching staff have opportunity to complete their research, summarize it, as well as gain new experience.  Valeria Yustinyuk decided to take the opportunity and began her research and practical internship at the Center for Animal Health and Food Safety (CAHFS) at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine.


The idea of ​​cooperation with this organization originated in 2019, but the pandemic has made its adjustments. CAHFS has also been designated as a collaborating center for capacity building of veterinary services by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). In addition, a cooperation agreement was recently signed with FAO, under which the Center acquires the status of a collaborator. The center trains veterinarians and animal health professionals from government veterinary services, governmental and non-governmental organizations that work to improve animal health and food safety around the world to improve public health. The center is currently working with 25 partner countries on research and training. Over the years of the center's existence, more than 100 training programs have been implemented to address global veterinary public health issues and more than 350 graduates have been trained to achieve this goal.


As part of the internship, Valeria Yustinyuk will work on project dedicated to the development of new training programs in the field of veterinary epidemiology, control of infectious diseases and food safety. In addition, participation in this program will provide an opportunity to deepen knowledge and learn new tools used in the field of public health to develop programs for surveillance and control of infectious diseases.


Particular attention will be paid to the use of risk analysis for prevention of the spread of infectious diseases and foodborne outbreaks. In the future, it is planned to establish work between the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of NULES of Ukraine and the College of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Minnesota in order to launch joint research projects and organize seminars and trainings.


Olga Yakubchak, Professor of the Department of Veterinary Hygiene named after Professor AK Speedboat

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