X International Scientific Congress on AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY 2022

January 17, 2022



VARNA, 22-25 JUNE 2022

Dear colleagues,
The forthcoming X International Scientific Congress on AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY 2022 is aimed at giving place of meeting for scientists of different countries, in order to represent their scientific achievements and to discuss the problems of the agricultural mechanization.

Machines are the ground, which the modern agriculture is building on. The scientists are called upon to develop them and to be the master mind of the scientific and technical progress.
The congress will give the possibility of new acquaintances and friendships, which will boost the formation of new ideas.

We invite companies, both manufacturers and importers to make presentations of the congress and to advertise on the congress papers, to represent technologies, machines, devices, materials and services, which they are offering on the market. We invite also the agrarian businessmen to acquaint with the latest scientific achievements in the field of the agricultural mechanization.

We hope, that way the X International Scientific Congress on AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY 2022 will play the role of innovational mediator between the scientists and researchers on the one hand and the industry on the other hand and suggest you to take advantage of this possibility.

The programme of the congress is elaborated in such a way, that it gives the possibility of relaxation, amusements and becoming acquainted with the cultural, historical and natural sights of the Black Sea northern coast as well.

You are kindly requested to make available the information about this Congress also to other colleagues from the country and abroad.

Prof. Dr. Eng. Miho Mihov
Chairman of the National Organizational Committee


Ivan Rogovskii


To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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