Students of the Faculty of Food Technology and Quality Control of Agricultural Products share their experience of the internship at German enterprises

January 10, 2022
    Internship is the main part of the educational process that allows students to gain necessary practical skills and hands-on experience. The purpose of the internship is the formation and consolidation of primary theoretical knowledge and professional skills.

    With the assistance of the administration of the Faculty of Food Technology and Quality Control of Agricultural Products we got acquainted with WIESENHOF International GmbH - the leading European company in poultry production.

     Our internship was held at Allfein Feinkost GmbH & Co. KG in Dannenberg. But there are branches in Lohne and Zerbst, where our students also undergo internships.


     Dannenberg is a small town located in Lower Saxony. It is comfortable and charming. We were positively impressed by the house we lived in. It had everything a student could need. Moreover, it was conveniently located in a 10-minute drive away from the plant.



    During the first month we got acquainted with all production processes. There are 5 production lines:

1 - production of marinated chicken wings;

2 - meat sticks or cutlets;

3 - schnitzels;

4 − cutting line;

5 - the line specializing in the production of sauces and marinades, which are a mandatory component of all types of finished products.

    We were positively impressed by the sanitary and working conditions. The team is friendly and eager to help. After work, some of our co-workers offered to give us a tour around the town.





    We devoted our free time to travelling. The locals helped us a lot by explaining how to travel better, faster and cheaper in Germany. We even managed to visit Greece.

    Our internship was extraordinarily useful and we enjoyed it a lot. We express our sincere gratitude to the administration of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, NUBiP International Department and the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Food Technology and Quality Control of Agricultural Products for this opportunity and invaluable knowledge we gained during this internship.


Yevhen Bolibik,
1st-year master student

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