Prepare to present your research at the 2nd NIZO Plant Protein Functionality Conference

January 2, 2022
2nd NIZO Plant Protein Functionality Conference




Abstract Submission Deadline:
22 April 2022
Submit here
Sponsor or Exhibit
Organised by
Supporting publications
Future Foods

Prepare to present your research

Dear Colleague,

Prepare to present your research at the 2nd NIZO Plant Protein Functionality Conference, which will take place in Papendal, The Netherlands on 11-14 October 2022.

Please submit using the online abstract submission system by 22 April 2022.

  • Plant and single cell protein ingredient manufacture
  • Process-product interactions affecting plant protein functionality
  • Protein structure, stability and interactions within food products
  • Fermentation to improve the quality of plant protein ingredients and products
  • Influence of plant protein ingredients in food product structure and stability
  • Nutrition and digestion of plant proteins in relation to human food
  • Sustainability along the chain of plant protein ingredients and application in foods

All contributors of an oral or poster presentation at the NIZO Plant Protein Functionality Conference are invited to submit a manuscript for a Special Issue of the Journal Future Foods.

We look forward to receiving your submissions and meeting you in Papendal!

Kind regards,

Conference Chair

Fred van de Velde
Fred van de Velde (NIZO and HAS University of Applied Sciences

Ivan Rogovskii



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