The European Forest Week

November 25, 2021
    The European Forest Week is held on November 22-28, 2021. The Education and Research Institute of Forestry and Landscape-Park Management joined this international event.

     First celebrated in 2008, the European Forest Week provides a unique opportunity to increase the forest sector's visibility and to influence pan-European and global discussions related to forests. The week is jointly organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

    Rapid global changes are affecting the forest sector. Given the growing demand and climate change, it is difficult to imagine how the forests will look like in a few decades. The main topic of this-year’s event is “The Future of Forests”. It is already necessary to find a balance between the ecological, social and economic components of the forest industry. Therefore, the main goal of the event is to form a common vision and policy in the forest sector, all set in a holistic global framework, and based on objective and transparent analysis.

    Ganna Lobchenko, Head of the Council of Young Scientists of the ERI of Forestry and Park Gardening, acquainted the participants with the program and presented main fields of discussions within the European Forest Week:

  • urban and peri-urban forest ecosystems in urban landscapes;
  • non-wood forest products;
  • new employment opportunities in forest-related areas;
  • climatic potential of forests;
  • large forest fires and their prevention.


   On Monday, November 22, the first event - “Urban and Peri-urban Forest Ecosystems for Green Recovery - Linking National Policies and Local Action”- took place. Professor Cecil Konijnendijk (University of British Columbia & Nature Based Solutions Institute) presented an important rule 3-30-300, according to which every city resident should see at least 3 trees of a decent size from their home, work or school, live in a neighbourhood with no less than 30% of canopy wear and have an easy access to public green space within 300 m in order to ensure the health and well-being of the population through urban forests.


     Anyone interested can get acquainted with the program of the European Forest Week and join the event with pre-registration at: European Forest Week 2021 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( 



Ganna Lobchenko,
Associate Professor of the Department of Forest Reproduction and Forest Reclamation,
Head of the Council of Young Scientists of the ERI of Forestry and Park Gardening

Olexander Soshensky,
Associate Professor of the Department of Forestry, Scientific Secretary of
the Scientific Council of the ERI of Forestry and Park Gardening

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