The Conference of the Staff of NULES of Ukraine

June 27, 2014

The conference of the staff of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine took place on June 27, 2014.
The conference was attended by nearly 240 delegates. The opening speech was delivered by the Head of the Trade Union of Employees of the University, Ivan Gavrylyuk.
The main issue on the agenda was introduction of amendments and additions to the Statute of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, which were presented to the delegates by the First Vice-Rector, Volodymyr Kurylo.


The Acting Head of the University, Stanislav Nikolayenko, commented on the suggested changes and stressed that all issues important for the staff of the University will be included into the new edition of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”. So there is no difference whether the University is subordinate to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine or the Ministry of Education and Science. It is much more important how the University works and what its achievements are.
Among the invited guests who attended the conference was the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Sergiy Kvit. Sergiy Myronovych, who is a former Head of the National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, reminded that Kyiv-Mohyla Academy was the first university that became subordinate to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and got a separate point in the state budget. Then this number increased to three universities, including NULES of Ukraine. At that time it was essential. But now the situation has changed and, according to the new Law “On Higher Education”, no university will receive separate funding. In addition, the universities become autonomous and the state obtains the responsibility to control the quality of the training process. Therefore, Ukrainian educators need to lobby for this law now.
Sergiy Kvit particularly stressed the autonomy of the universities. It is quintessential to organise strong student government that would have its own budget and effective university scientific council as a body, which will supervise the actions of the head of the university. This will protect against the emergence of new ‘feudal rectors’.
The Minister voiced his support for the conference and urged to make necessary changes that are not prohibited by law. Afterwards, the document will be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science, where the ministry lawyers will help to finalise it.
The head of the Ministry stated that NULES of Ukraine is an extremely important university for the state. Ukrainian science was in decay for many years, but innovative research of the university scientists contribute to the development of the science. After adoption of the new law the number of students funded by the government will reduce and only the main universities will receive such funding. There is no doubt that NULES of Ukraine will be among them. Also, the government and the ministry expect from the national research university decisive steps aimed at improving the quality of training, development of biotechnology, practical implementation of plans for the improvement of national agricultural sector. In his turn, Sergiy Kvit promised that the ministry would provide the necessary support of the university.
The Student Organization of the University, which this fall will mark its 20th anniversary, was represented by Olga Kukhar, who appealed to the head of the ministry with the suggestion to hold a student congress at NULES of Ukraine. The Minister supported this initiative.


Many distinguished scientists and researchers actively participated in the discussion. Among them were Doctor of Economic Sciences, Andriy Martyn, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Ruslan Sopivnyk, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Honoured Worker of Education of Ukraine, Dmytro Voytyuk, Corresponding Member of the NAAS of Ukraine, Honoured Scientist of Ukraine, Valentyn Yablonskyy, Doctor of Philological Sciences of Ukraine, Professor Sydir Kiral.
The Acting Head of the University, Stanislav Nikolayenko, addressed the staff after the discussion of the amendments to the Statute of the University. He noted that it is impossible to consider all suggestions immediately. However, the university administration will work on them in the future. The Head of the University outlined five strategic priorities for the team of NULES of Ukraine. Among them are combination of educational and scientific processes, renewal of material and technical resources, support of teachers and students, self-government and autonomy, and high morality and patriotism in the university.




Stanislav Nikolayenko noted that it is important to define a strategy and move forward, taking responsibility for alma mater. The Statute, as any document, has no boundaries for improvement. The revised Statute will not prevent the staff from work. On the contrary, the new era requires greater mobility. Subordination to the Ministry will positively influence the pace of resolving issues.


The Acting Head of the University remarked that there are a lot of burning issues and problems in many areas. Now the priorities include international programs and intensification of research.
Another problem is material and technical resources. The University had no financial support from the state for three years. Education and research farms were particularly affected. But the administration cannot control their heads: the University should only provide support for research and innovation.



One of the most urgent issues is entrance campaign aimed at satisfying state need in specialists. The University needs to enroll six thousand students. In order to complete this goal it is necessary to conduct effective vocational counseling.
In this difficult time for the country, the question of funding is also acute. Nevertheless, each member of the staff gets the salary on time. But there are also other needs, for example, the restoration of Building 3 that requires 60 million hryvna.
The Conference was held just before the Day of the Constitution. And it is a must for every employee of NULES of Ukraine to share their respect to constitutional rights with the university students.


The delegates approved the suggested amendments to the Statute of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and decided to submit them to the government authorities for the approval.

to to the Statute of
the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

1. Section I:
1) in clause 1change paragraph 2 to the following:
The University is subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
2) in clause 4, subclause 1 change paragraph 8 to the following:
“Preparing, publishing, manufacturing and sale of educational, scientific, methodological papers and other publishing products”;
3) clause 4 supplement with the subclause 5:
"5) international activities:
conducting international activities in the field of science and education in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, promoting integration into the global educational and research area;
participation in international projects and programs, scientific conferences, seminars and exhibitions;
establishment of joint ventures with foreign partners, scientific, and educational centers, institutes and other organizations to complete educational and research programs and grant the students, graduate student and doctoral students corresponding diplomas.”;
4) clause 7 supplement with subclause 31:
“31) to regulate hunting grounds and to develop projects of organization and development of hunting farms.”.
2. Section X:
1) in clause 60:
paragraph 1change to the following:
“The Head of the University is acting within his jurisdiction under the laws of Ukraine and this Statute and shall be responsible for the work of the University.”
after paragraph 1 add the following paragraphs:
“The competition for the post of the Head of the University is announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine every seven years. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine adopts proposals about candidates for the post of the Head of the University and submits applicants who meet the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” to the highest collective body of self-government (the conference of the staff) of the University for vote.

The highest collective body of self-government by secret ballot will elect and recommended to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine those applicants for the position of the Head of the University who have received at least 30 percent of votes of the members of the highest collective body of self-government of the University. Each member may vote for one candidate only. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is obliged to appoint one of the recommended nominees for up to seven years under the contract.

In case if none of the candidates for the post of the Head of the University gained the required number of votes (30 percent of votes of the members of the highest collective body of self-government of the University) in the first round, the second round of elections is conducted. Not more than 2 candidates who gained the largest number of votes in the first round are allowed to participate in the second round. If in the second round there is no candidate who obtained 30 percent of votes of the members of the highest collective body of self-government of the University, the competition is re-announced.

If in the second competition there is no candidate who obtained 30 percent of votes of the members of the highest collective body of self-government of the University, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine appoints the Acting Head of the University for the period of not more than two years.

If the highest collective body of self-government of the University submitted to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for approval one candidate who obtained more than 30 percent of votes, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine has the right to reject the appointment of the recommended candidate and, therefore, has to submit reasoned objections to the highest collective body of self-government of the University (the same procedure takes place in case of violations during elections defined in the Law “On Higher education”). The highest collective body of self-government of the University considers the objections of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and renders its decision. In another case, the re-nomination for the post of the Head of the University takes place. If during the second ballot two-thirds of the members of the highest collective body of self-government of the University confirm the decision on the recommended to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Head of the University, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine is obliged to appoint this candidate as the Head of the University.

The Head of the University may be dismissed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on the grounds specified by the labor laws, as well as for violation of the Statute of the University and contract terms. The Head of the University may be dismissed because of the decision of the body that elected him to office to revoke him. The application for revocation of the Head of the University may be made to the highest collective body of self-government of the University by at least a half of members of the Scientific Council of the University. The decision to revoke the Head of the University is adopted by two-thirds of votes in the presence of at least two-thirds of the members of the highest collective body of self-government of the University.”

2) to supplement Statute with clause 62 which is as follows:
“The self-government body of the education and research institute (department) is the conference of the staff of the education and research institute (department), including elected representatives from among persons enrolled for higher education.
The self-government body of the education and research institute (department) should include all categories of employees of education and research institute (department) and elected representatives from among persons enrolled for higher education. No less than 75 per cent of the total number of delegates (members) of the elected body should be scientific and teaching staff of the education and research institute (department) and no less than 15 percent - the elected representatives of the students, elected by the students by secret ballot.
The self-government body of the education and research institute (department) meets at least once a year.
The self-government body of the education and research institute (department):
provides the assessment of the work of the head of the education and research institute (department);
approves annual report about the activities of the education and research institute (department);
submits suggestions to the Head of the University on revocation of the head of the education and research institute (department);
selects the elected representatives to the Scientific Council of the education and research institute (department);
selects candidates to the highest collective body of self-government of the University;
selects candidates to the Scientific Council of the University”.

3) in clause 65:
exclude subclause 8,
therefore, subclauses 9, 10, 11, 12 change to subclauses 8,9,10,11.

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