Prospects for Future Development of NULES of Ukraine (The Meeting of the Scientific Council)

June 19, 2014


The meeting of the Scientific Council of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine headed by the Acting Head of the University, Professor Stanislav Nikolayenko took place on June 18, 2014. 

The agenda of the meeting included numerous issues concerning the work of the university. Sergiy Kvasha was appointed as the Acting Vice Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Activities and University Development and Valeriy Ishchenko was appointed as the Acting Vice Rector for Educational, Research and Production Issues of Development and Administration. The Scientific Council also granted academic ranks to the following university teachers: Valeriy Voytyuk, Sergiy Dovgan, Nataliya Isachenko, Oksana Lobova, Volodymyr Vasylyuk.


The Head of the Education and Research Institute of Business, Professor Anatoliy Dibrova, presented the report “Bioeconomy: potential, problems and prerequisites of formation in Ukraine.”

The Head of the Education and Research Centre For Educational Work and Social Development, Dmytro Cherkashyn, informed on preparing for the holiday “The Day of Knowledge.” The celebration will involve the freshmen and is planned to be held on September 1 at the university stadium.  

The Scientific Council granted the scholarship of the President of Ukraine, the scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to the straight A students Tetyana Kalyta, Kateryna Shyshanova, and Anastasia Lyashchenko. The report on the scholarships was presented by the Acting Vice Rector for Academic, Cultural and Educational Activities, Oksana Zazymko.


At the suggestion of Vice Rector Volodymyr Kurylo, the Scientific Council decided to liquidate the Scientific and Production Centre for Health and Safety, the Education and Research Centre for Innovation Providing and the Education and Research Centre of Culture and Education. The Council adopted the changes to the Statute of the University regarding subordination of the University to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Among other issues discussed was secret, democratic election of the Head of the University, the heads of institutes and the deans of the departments in compliance with the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education”.


The Scientific Council cancelled its earlier decision of May 28, 2014 on the termination of permanent land use of 120-hectare area located in Bucha and its transfer to municipal ownership.


The Scientific Council took the decision to award the title “Honorary Professor of NULES of Ukraine” to the Head of Czech Agricultural University in Prague, Czech Republic, Professor Yuriy Balik.

Among the speakers was Academician Dmytro Melnychuk, who thanked the staff and students of the University for lasting cooperation and expressed his views on the development of the university.


The Acting Head of the University charged the Vice Rector of the University, Volodymyr Kurylo, and the Vice Rector of the University, Sergiy Kvasha, with the task to summarize all suggestions expressed during the meetings on international, scientific and production issues and to incorporate them into the development strategy. The strategy will be presented to the staff in late August.

Heads of education and research institutes received the task to supervise the repair works. Great attention should be paid to roofs and electric wiring. Of particular importance is repair of Building 3. The roof and the windows should be installed and the repair of rooms should begin by September 1.

The Acting Vice Rector, Sergiy Kvasha, is responsible for control of forage storage at education and research farms. The Technical Education and Research Institute and its Head, Valeriy Dubrovin, and Professor Vasyl Turynskiy will also participate in this process.


The Planning and Financial Department should pay significant attention to the rational use of money. Mr. Nikolayenko mentioned that the administrative staff of the university is too big and it leads to misallocation of millions of hryvna. Nowadays it is important to follow the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.65 that obliges us to save on everything. The Head of the Planning and Finance Department, Nataliya Drobot, should prepare a plan for cost optimization till the end of the week. The priority is the quality of education and scientific research. 

The Acting Vice Rector of the University, Valeriy Ishchenko, together with other vice rectors should organize and control the catering process and sales of products from education and research farms. The Head of the Catering System of the University, Andriy Pylypenko, should ensure the work of the central cafeteria and of canteens in Buildings 10 and 12.

Stanislav Nikolayenko highlighted the importance of quality education. The teaching staff should devote close attention to interactive technologies, computerization, electronic libraries, access to international educational network, update of material and technical resources etc. Acting Vice Rector Oksana Zazymko is entrusted to control this issue.

University discipline is of primary importance. There should be no non-statutory relations between teachers and students.


 Concluding the speech, the Acting Head of NULES of Ukraine, Stanislav Nikolayenko, said: “The government has delegated me to our alma-mater for constructive work. I came here with good intentions only. It is my word: There will be no corruption, bribery or nepotism! I do not steal and I will not let others steal! One should earn for a living honestly.

There will be only one Nikolayenko at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.

I ask everyone at the University to live by the principle: do as I do!


Everyone, including me, will be assessed by his deeds: those who do good job, will always be supported!”


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