Publish Your Research Articles with EJAS

October 26, 2021
Birmingham, United Kingdom



European Journal of Applied Sciences
Services for Science and Education, United Kingdom

Volume 9, No. 6 - Dec 2021

I am writing this email regards to your paper "Study Of Biogas During Fermentation Of Cattle Manure Using A Stimulating Additive In Form Of Vegetable Oil Sediment" that I read online and found your research laudable. Indeed, some great studies are going around in this domain, and your innovative approach has the potential to inspire researchers and scientists.

Your expedition to explore new dimensions in your field compels me and our Editorial Board and Management Team to invite you to contribute with your new articles to the European Journal of Applied Sciences, published by the Services for Sciences and Education, UK (SSE-UK).

SSE-UK is a distinguished organization that publishes remarkable, double-blind peer-reviewed, internationally acknowledged journals with global prominence. We follow COPE and Research Councils United Kingdom standards and are in association with researchers from 150 countries, in the leading disciplines like computer science, engineering, science, management, applied science, social science, and humanities.

Your research paper also matches the journal's scope. Hence, we would like you to publish your next research paper in our international, peer-reviewed, refereed journal.
Submit On-line  | Email Manuscript
Why Publish With Us?
Simply because we provide you with various benefits. Such as;
  • Open Access: No Subscription Fee is Charged. All published articles are accessible to everyone anywhere in the world. 
  • Citation: Each article is assigned a unique permanent Digital Object Identifier (DOI) which is used for citation immediately after publication.
  • Online First: Accepted articles published on-line with DOI assigned within 3 days of acceptance.
  • Rapid publication with competitive peer-review times and online article tracking system
  • High Visibility: Will be indexed/listed in CrossRef, DOI, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Open J-Gate and other major indexing databases
  • Low Cost: Article Publishing Charges £149.00 Only
... and many more 
Important Dates
Vol. 9, No. 6, Dec 2021

20 Nov, 2021 
Submission Deadline

30 Nov, 2021 
Authors Notification

10 Dec, 2021 
Issue Publication
Your Contributions
Authors can contribute with the articles illustrating 

• Research results
• Projects
• Methodologies
• Algorithms
• Surveys/Reviews 
• Case studies
• Book reviews
• Industrial experiences
You can read more about SSE-UK as a publication organization here.

I hope our academic relations will enable us to explore new horizons in the area of research.


Christopher James
Editorial Assistant
European Journal of Applied Sciences
Services for Science and Education
Birmingham, United Kingdom

Ivan Rogovskii

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