FP6, FP7

Project of the 7th Framework Programme (FP7 - Marie Curie Actions)
“Geoinformation Technologies, Spatio-Temporal Approaches, and Full Carbon Account for Improving Accuracy of GHG Inventories Systems”

Duration of the project: June 2010–May 2014


Systems Research Institute PAS, Poland (coordinator);International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria;
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine;
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.

NUBiP of Ukraine executors: prof. P.I. Lakyda, assoc. prof. R.D. Vasylyshyn, assoc. prof. S.V. Zibtsev, PhD student I.P. Lakyda, PhD student D.V. Gilituha.

Additional information is available: (Presentation)


Project of 7th Framework Programme (FP7) “Biomass Energy Europe” (BEE)

Duration of the project: 2008-2011

The Biomass Energy Europe (BEE) project was initiated to harmonise methodologies for biomass resource assessments for energy purposes in Europe and its neighbouring countries. The harmonisation will improve consistency, accuracy and reliability of biomass assessments for energy, which can serve the planning of a transition to renewable energy in the European Union.

Additional information is available: www.eu-bee.com

Participants of the Fifth international meeting of FP-7 "Biomass Energy Europe", Kyiv. From NUBiP of Ukraine: prof. P. Lakyda, associate professor R. Vasylyshyn associate professor S. Zibtsev, postgraduate student A. Borsyk, September 2010.

Prof. P. Lakyda, Associate professor S. Zibtsev (NUBiP of Ukraine) senior staff scientist T. Zhelezna (Scientific center “Biomass”), a workshop of FP-7 "Biomass Energy Europe”, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, April 2010.


Project of 7th Framework Programme (FP7) “BIO CIRCLE”

BIO CIRCLE aims at increasing the participation of researchers from outside Europe in research projects under the Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology theme (FAFB) of the 7th Framework Programme (FP7).

Duration of the project: 2011-2012                                                                                                                                

BIO CIRCLE partners are the national contact points for FP7 in 18 different countries outside Europe and 5 in Europe.

Additional information is available: www.biocircle-project.eu


Project of 6th Framework Programme (FP6)Reduction of impact of biofuel production to food stock”

Duration: 3 years

Start date: 02.01.2009


Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Lithuania


Institute of Fuels and Renewable Energy (IFRE), Poland

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NUBiP of Ukraine)

Project Outputs:

·        Growing technologies of new oil-seed plants, which could be grown in the soil of poor quality and with less input of mineral and organic fertilisers, also which could be grown as under sowing for food crops seeking to reduce usage of herbicides;

·        Biodiesel fuel production technologies by using new kinds of oil and fatty waste;

·        Evaluation of influence on environment of new kind of biodiesel fuel;

·        Evaluation of the impact of the development of biodiesel fuel production technologies on the changes in production volumes in food industry;

·        Evaluation of the role of regional, national and public policies for bioenergy on food security. 


East European co-operation network for international joint training in FP6/FP7 food, agriculture and biotechnology for EU-Kazakhstan-Russia-Ukraine-Armenia-Belarus countries

InJoy&Train is a 24 months Specific Support Action which aims at improving in quality and quantity the participation of researchers, multipliers and SMEs in the “Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology” (FP7) sector from KRUAB ( Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia and Belarus) countries in European research.

*multipliers = industry associations, project and grant offices, chambers of commerce and others.
**SME = small and medium enterprises


APRE- Agency for the Promotion of European Research (Italy)


·       Centre for Innovation and Technology of Biologically Active Substances, Russian Academy of Sciences and National Coordinator of the project from food in Russia (Russia)

·        National Agricultural University (Ukraine)

·        Institute of System Analysis (Belarus)

·        Yerevan State University (Armenia)

·        Consulting Board to Promote Scientific Activity (Kazakhstan)

·        Hungarian Foundation for Science and Technology (Hungary)

·        Company of Industrial Research and Technological Development of Food (Greece)

·        Consulting group SenterNovem (Netherlands)

9-10 November, 2006, Kyiv






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