ISSN: 2663-9688 (ONLINE), ISSN: 2663-967X (PRINT)

Scientific journal “UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF VETERINARY SCIENCES” is included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, category “B” (order from December 28, 2019, № 1643) in the field of knowledge 21 “Veterinary Medicine” by the specialties 211 “Veterinary Medicine” and 212 “Veterinary Hygiene, Sanitation and Examination”.
The scientific journal accepts original scientific articles of problematic and methodological nature, which cover the results of scientific researches with statistical data processing, that have theoretical and practical significance, relevant to veterinary medicine, and have not been published before.
Scope: Covering scientific researches in veterinary medicine and veterinary hygiene.
Year of foundation: 2010.
Founder: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.
Frequency: 4 times a year.
Language: Ukrainian, English.
Since № 3 2020, articles are accepted for consideration by the editorial board in English only.
Editor-in-Chief: Gryshchenko Victoriia Anatoliivna; phone: 066-910-43-43; е-mail: [email protected].
Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Tkachuk Svitlana Alimivna; phone: 067-592-09-00; е-mail: [email protected].
Executive Secretary: Melnyk Victoria Ivanivna.
Deputy Executive Secretary: Kulida Maria Anatoliivna.
The editorial board of the journal includes outstanding domestic and foreign scientists in the field of "Veterinary Medicine".
Website: http://journals.nubip.edu.ua/index.php/Veterenarna/index
Editorial office address: 15, Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041.
The journal “Ukrainian Journal of Veterinary Sciences” is indexed in international scientometric databases: Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Ulrichsweb, EBSCO, МIAR, BASE.

The archives of the journal are also available on the website of the National Library of Ukraine named after V. I. Vernadsky.


To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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