Адреса: 03041, Kiev city,. Heroes of Defense Street, 12-b, Teaching building number 7-A.
Тел.: +38(098) 243-84-71
Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Head of the Department of Technology in Poultry, Pig and Sheep Industry:
Vadym Lykhach
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
Department by subject category of educational and research work related to the establishment of the agricultural department of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, and the Department of General Animal Science in 1898.
In 1922, the agricultural department of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute was transformed into the Kyiv Institute of Agriculture. In 1969,during the reorganization of the Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Agriculture was established the Department of Special AnimalScience.
In 1969, the Department of Special Animal Breeding was divided into two departments, one of which was a department of production technologies pigs, sheep and poultry. In 1988 the Department of beekeeping was established, 1995 - Department of poultry as independent units of Faculty of Animal Science. The department received a new name - Department of pig and sheep production technologies.
In 2007, on the specifics of academic disciplines department was renamed into the Department of technology, economics and management in livestock.
By order of the Rector of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine № 268 from 03.15.2013 due to the union of two departments - Poultry and Technology, economics and management in livestock was formed Department of poultry and small livestock. 12.25.2014, it was renamed into the Department of technologies in poultry, pig and sheep breeding according to the order № 1446.
The objective of the department:
- the learning process for the training ofBachelors, Masters and Scholars to work in the poultry, pig, sheep, goat breeding, rabbit breeding, farming and other livestock industries,
- conducting scientific, technical, innovation, implementation, educational work and so on.
Quality of the Department
- Professor , PhD - 4
- PhD, associate professor - 8
- Head of the Laboratory - 4
- The senior assistants and assistants - 9
- Laboratory assistants - 3
- Master of industrial training - 1
- Care worker - 2
- Veterinary doctor - 1
20 листопада 2023