Department of Aquaculture


The creation of the Department of Aquaculture was initiated by the initiative of the Rector of NAU Academy D. Melnychuk, the leadership of the fisheries industry (Ukrgolovrybhosp) of Ukraine in the person of V. Sakhnevych and Director of the Institute of Fisheries of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences (IRG UAAS) Candidate of Economic Sciences, Honored Worker of Agriculture of Ukraine M. Grinzhevsky. In the process of creating the department to prepare the necessary documentation was involved a group of employees from IRG UAAS (M. Grinzhevsky, A. Andryushchenko) and from NAU (M. Zakharanko, M. Matsenko), whose work was headed by the dean of the Faculty of Zooengineering, Professor B. Hopka. According to the results of the work, the Department of Fisheries was established by the order of the National Agrarian University (NAU) №14 of January 23, 1996 on the basis of the zooengineering faculty. M. Hrynzhevsky, Director of the Institute of Fisheries, was appointed Head of the Department. The educational process at the department was carried out at that time by associate professors M. Grinzhevsky, A. Andryushchenko, R. Baltadzhi, N. Vovk, S. Krazhan, A. Kucherenko, T. Litvinova, I. Pluzhenko, M. Khyzhnyak. Classes were held on a block system by disciplines; “Ichthyology”, “Hydrobiology”, “Microbiology”, “Fish feeding”, “Ichthyopathology”, “Fish breeding”, “Fish breeding”, “Economics of the fishery industry” on the basis of research laboratories and classrooms of the Institute of Fisheries of UAAS. Practical, laboratory classes and industrial technological practice were held in the research farms of IRG UAAS "Nyvka" and "Velykyi Lyubin", as well as in the production fish farms of Ukrrybhosp.

In 2001 on the basis of the Department of Fisheries and the newly created in 2000 at the Faculty of Zooengineering Department of Ichthyology and Hydrobiology by order of the Rector of the National Agrarian University Academician D. Melnychuk was established the Faculty of Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture, and the Department of Fisheries was renamed the Department of Technology of Production and Processing of Aquaculture Products, and in 2003 – the Department of Aquaculture.

From September 2002 to April 2003, the head of the department of technology of production and processing of aquaculture products was carried out by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor G. Vasyukova. The educational process at the department at that time was conducted by associate professors A. Andryushchenko, S. Krazhan, O. Oleksienko, O. Tretyak, S. Alimov, assistants V. Kovalenko, N. Kravchuk, V. Ivanov.

At the end of April 2003 until December 2005 the Department of Aquaculture Production and Processing Technology was renamed the Aquaculture Department, headed by S. Alimov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Honored Worker of Agriculture of Ukraine, Head of the State Department of Fisheries of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.

In January 2006, S. Alimov was appointed acting Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries, and later – Dean of the Faculty, at the same time he headed the Department of Aquaculture.

From October 2009 to August 2010, Acting Professor O. Trofimenko was appointed the head of the department, and since September 2011 the department of aquaculture is headed by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor N. Vovk.

Professor N. Vovk is an Honorary Doctor of the Institute of Agroecology of NAAS of Ukraine, and Associate Professor, Candidate of Biological Sciences A. Andryushchenko is an Honorary Doctor of the Institute of Fisheries of NAAS of Ukraine.

In addition, employees of the department have state awards and labor awards. Head of the Department Professor N. Vovk awarded the labor award “Honorary Worker of the Fisheries Industry”. Associate Professor A. Andryushchenko has state awards – the Order of Merit of the III degree, “Excellence in Education of Ukraine” and labor awards: “Veteran of the fishery industry”, “Honorary Worker of the fishery industry”, “Veteran of fisheries”. Associate Professor V. Kovalenko was awarded the “Honorary Worker of the Fisheries Industry” and “Veteran of the Fisheries Industry” labor awards.

Since September 2020, the Department of Aquaculture is headed by Doctor of Science, Professor Vitaliy Bekh.

Currently, the educational process at the department is provided by: Professor Nadiya Vovk, Professor Vitaliy Bekh, associate professors: Antonina Andryushchenko, Vasyl Kovalenko, Ruslan Kononenko, Vadym Martsenyuk, Iryna Kononenko; assistants: Olesya Okhrimenko (Candidate of Sciences), Dmytro Sharylo.

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