Department of Administrative Law and Financial Law

History of the department


The Department of Administrative Law and Financial Law (the Department was initially called the Department of Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and Financial Law within the Faculty of Law of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Land Resources, Law and Pedagogy of the National Agrarian University) was established by the Order # 358 on September 5 2001.
The founder of the national scientific school of agricultural law, Doctor of Science of Law, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Science and Technology Figure of Ukraine, academician Vasyl Zinoviyovych Yanchuk had a decisive influence on the creation of the department and the formation of its human resources.

Thanks to his active life and scientific positions, enormous scientific and educational experience, educational foresight and practical assistance, the Department of Administrative and Financial Law was established.

Today the department provides teaching of such fundamental legal disciplines as "Administrative Law", "Criminal Law", "Financial Law of Ukraine", "Criminology", "Criminalistics", "Judicial and Law Enforcement Bodies of Ukraine" and a number of others in both legal and other faculties of NUBiP of Ukraine.
At the initial stage of the department, its teaching staff was represented by: professors – V.K. Shkarupa, V.V. Kovalenko, A.V. Samokhin, associate professors – V.I. Kurylo, G.A. Kushnir, V.S. Harkusha, O.S. Yara, О. V. Artemenko, O.M.Melnyk; senior lecturer A.M. Dolgopolov, S.S. Kovalyova, M.V. Seleznyov and assistants S.V. Slyusarenko, Yu. V. Shevchuk.
In a short time the staff of the department has significantly improved, which gave the opportunity in March 2007, at the initiative of Professor V.O. Shamray and support of the university administration to create a specialized academic council at the university K 26.004.16 for the defense of Ph.D. thesises to obtain the degree of candidate of legal sciences in the following specialties: 12.00.06 - land law; agrarian law; environmental law; natural resource law and 12.00.07 - administrative law and process; finance law; information law, chaired by professor V.O. Shamray in 2009, by professor V.I. Kurylo - 2009-2015.

It should be noted that since the department inception many well-known legal scholars in Ukraine and abroad worked at the department: Doctor of Science of Law, Prof., Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Science and Technology Figure of Ukraine V.I. Semchyk, Doctor of Science of Law, Prof., Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Lieutenant General of Police V.V. Kovalenko, Doctor of Science of Law, Prof., Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine V.F. Pogorilko, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Honorary Professor of NUBiP of Ukraine, Retired Judge of the Supreme Court of Ukraine P.V. Pantalienko, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Ph.D. in law, Prof., Honored Science and Technology Figure of Ukraine V.O. Shamray, Doctor of Science of Law, Prof., Honored Lawyer of Ukraine V.K. Shkarupa, Doctor of Science of Law, Prof., Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine V.I. Kurylo, Ph.D., Prof. M.V. Koval, also the world-famous doctor Doctor of Medical Science, Prof., Honored Doctor of Ukraine A.V. Samokhin, who provided the discipline "Forensic Medicine and Psychiatry".

The Department in 2008. From left to right: top row: senior laboratory assistant Yu. V. Vyshnevska, Ph.D., associate professor A.M. Dolgopolov; second row: assistant S.М. Slyusarenko, Ph.D. senior lecturer O.V. Artemenko, senior lecturer S.S. Kovalyova, Ph.D. in Public Administration O.M. Melnik; bottom row: Doctor of Science in Law, Prof. V.I. Kurylo, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Prof. V.O. Shamray, Ph.D., associate professor O.S. Yara, Ph.D., associate professor G.A. Kushnir.

In June 2006, the department opened postgraduate and doctoral studies in the specialty 12.00.07 - administrative law and process; finance law; information law. From 2006 to 2009, the Department of Administrative Law and Financial Law of NUBiP of Ukraine also prepared Ph.D. thesises in the science of public administration (specialties: 25.00.01 - 25.00.04).
Significant influence on the formation of scientific and legal areas of research at the department played the scientific views of Academician Vasyl Zinoviyovych Yanchuk, which became the ideological basis of research areas of administrative and financial-legal relations in the agricultural and natural resources spheres. The founder of the scientific school was his follower, now Doctor of Science of Law, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Academy of Administrative Law, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine Volodymyr Ivanovych Kurylo. In 2006 under his scientific guidance Marina Vasylivna Pushkar was defended the first Ph.D. thesis prepared at the department on the topic "Organizational and legal framework for the protection of plant variety rights in Ukraine."

Since then, 10 doctoral and 64 Ph.D. thesises have been prepared and defended at the department under the scientific advice and guidance of Professor Volodymyr Kurylo, and a total of 11 doctoral dissertations have been prepared and defended at the department under the scientific guidance of its professors and associate professors:

  • Kurylo V.I. "Administrative legal relations in agriculture of Ukraine" (2008);
  • Svitlychny O.P. "Administrative legal relations in the field of land resources of Ukraine" (2012);
  • Baklan O.V. "Administrative and legal regulation of entrepreneurship in Ukraine: theoretical and applied aspect" (2013);
  • Delia Yu. V. "Administrative and legal aspects of rule-making of public administration in Ukraine" (2014)
  • Bondar O.G. "Control and supervision activities in agriculture of Ukraine: agrarian and administrative aspects" (2015);
  • Piddubnyy O. Yu. "Legal relations in the field of biotechnology" (2015);
  • Poznyakov S.P. “Administrative and legal regulation of economic relations in Ukraine: theoretical and methodological approach” (2016).
  • Shulga Y.V. "Administrative-tort relations in Ukraine in the context of European integration" (2018);
  • Mushenok V.V. "State policy in the agricultural sector of the economy of Ukraine: financial and legal aspects" (2018);
  • Gorodetska I.A. "Administrative and legal regulation of protection, use and reproduction of wildlife of Ukraine" (2019);
  • Gulak O.V. "Administrative and legal regulation of relations in the field of fire safety in the forests of Ukraine" (2020),

and more than 90 Ph.D. thesises.

The Department of Administrative Law and Financial Law carries out active publishing, educational and methodological and scientific activities, which resulted in the publication of more than 50 textbooks and manuals, more than 40 monographs, several hundred articles in professional journals, and about 30 articles in the publications included in the scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science (from 2017), as well as public work aimed at popularizing the Faculty of Law: scientific and pedagogical staff of the department are members of the editorial boards of a number of professional publications in law of various universities, members of public research academies, other public professional associations of legal orientation, as well as provide legal advice to citizens and legal entities within the activities of the Legal Clinic of the faculty.
The active scientific activity of the representatives of the department was duly appreciated by the state and the scientific community: in 2011 prof. V.I. Kurylo as a member of the creative team of the Faculty of Law became the Laureate of the Yaroslav the Wise Prize (in the nomination for the best textbook), and also by the decree of the President of Ukraine he was awarded the Honorary title "Honored Lawyer of Ukraine".

President of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine Academician V.Ya. Tatsiy awards the Professor V.I. Kurylo with the Diploma of the Laureate of the Yaroslav the Wise Prize (November 2011, Kharkiv)

2014 was marked by the adoption of the development program of the University "Golosiyiv Initiative - 2020", which outlined new priorities in the work of the staff of the department.
The efforts of research and teaching staff were focused on the development and implementation of electronic training courses of the disciplines of the department. The result was the creation of more than 20 online courses used in the educational process, and 12 courses were certified. At the same time, consultations were held for student users.
The department has created and provided with visual materials "Educational forensic laboratory" and "Training hall of court hearings", in which future lawyers acquire practical skills in administrative and criminal proceedings, work with forensic samples.

The Department in 2017. From left to right: first row: Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. O.A. Ulyutina, Doctor of Science in Law, Prof. V.I. Kurylo, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. O.S. Yara, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. S.V. Slyusarenko, senior lecturer Yu.V. Yanchuk; second row: Professor of the Department, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., Honorary Professor of NUBiP of Ukraine P.V. Pantalienko, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. L.Yu. Galaidyuk, senior lecturer S.S. Kovalyova, senior laboratory assistant V.I. Pavlenko; third row: Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. G.A. Kushnir, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. O.V. Gulak, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. R.K. Padalko; top row: Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. O.V. Artemenko, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. A.M. Dolgopolov, laboratory assistant N.A. Stasiuk.

The department celebrated its 20th anniversary (2021) with: professors of the department: Doctor of Science in Law, Prof., Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine V.I. Kurylo, Doctor of Science in Law, Associate Prof. S.P. Poznyakov, Ph.D., Prof. O.S. Yara, Ph.D., Prof. V.V. Galunko; Ph.D., Associate Prof. O.V. Artemenko, Ph.D., Associate Prof. L.Yu. Galaidyuk, Ph.D., Associate Prof. L.V. Holoviy, Doctor of Science in Law, Associate Prof. O.V. Gulak, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. A.M. Dolgopolov, Ph.D., Associate Prof. S.V. Slyusarenko, Ph.D., Associate Prof. O.A. Ulyutina, senior lecturers: Ph.D. S.S. Kovalyova, Ph.D. L.V. Gbur, assistants: S. Golub, N.A. Teslyuk.

The department initiated the annual Week of Legal Knowledge in NUBiP of Ukraine, within which various events are held to promote legal knowledge and the Faculty of Law, in particular:
educational court hearings - according to the scenario, the roles of judges, prosecutor, victim, accused, defense attorneys and other participants in the court hearing are distributed among the students:

Open practical classes, in particular on topics of interest to the general public, such as "Dactyloscopic examination: identification of a person by fingerprints":

Field practical classes, in particular in the discipline "Administrative process" in the District Administrative Court of Kyiv (conducted by a professor of the department, retired Judge of the Supreme Court of Ukraine P.V. Pantalienko - in the center):

The department actively participates in career guidance work among school and college graduates to ensure effective and efficient admission campaigns to the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, as well as in organizational activities conducted by NUBiP of Ukraine.

From the time the department was established until today, it has been headed by:

2001-2002 - Ph.D., Associate Professor V.M. Yermolenko
2003 - Ph.D., Associate Professor M.I. Malyshko
2003 - Doctor of Science of Law, Prof., Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine V.F. Pogorilko
2006-2009 - Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Ph.D. in law, Prof., Honored Science and Technology Figure of Ukraine V.O. Shamray
2010-2016 – Ph.D., Associate Professor S.V. Slyusarenko
2003-2005 (Ph.D., Associate Professor), 2016 - present – Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Full Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine - Kurylo Volodymyr Ivanovych.

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